[Explanation] Recently, the incident of brutal beasts hurting people in Shanghai Safari Park has caused widespread public concern.

How should people get along with beasts?

On October 21, the reporter walked into the Jinan Wildlife World to learn about how the beast breeder Shen Yunfeng gets along with tigers.

  [Explanation] Shen Yunfeng, 47, used to be a car driver in Jinan Wildlife World. Because he loved tigers and other beasts since he was a child, he, in his 40s, despite the opposition of his family, applied to the park for a job as a tiger breeder.

After a long time of learning and accumulating experience in raising beasts, Shen Yunfeng finally got his wish and officially became a tiger breeder 5 years ago.

  [Concurrent] Shen Yunfeng, Tiger Breeder of Jinan Wildlife World

  After the opening of the park, there is an opportunity to practice and learn from the management department.

At that time, I was thinking about raising a tiger. I like to raise this kind of beast. Men like this kind of beast.

At the beginning, I was afraid of doing it. After a long time of running in, the habits of the animals have become very clear.

  [Explanation] Although Shen Yunfeng has only been engaged in tiger breeding for five years, the number of tigers he has bred is not at all. Nearly 60 tigers of various species such as Bengal tigers, Siberian tigers, snow tigers, golden tigers, etc. are all seen by him. For the most precious "tiger baby".

After a long time with such a large number of tigers, and his special love for tigers, Shen Yunfeng also explored a set of his own methods of raising tigers. In addition to talking with tigers by calling tigers and commanding tigers to climb trees, he You can also observe the tiger's state from the tiger's cry, eyes, and movements.

  [Concurrent] Shen Yunfeng, Tiger Breeder of Jinan Wildlife World

  We go in to feed the tiger every day, and after we take the meat in, I can fully hear its cries, who is happy and who is not.

The one who has a good temper will greet me in advance. Hearing my footsteps coming and squeaking his nose in advance, he is very friendly to me. The one with a bad temper hears me coming. It will always stand up and pat the door with its paws to prevent us from approaching. So it is very clear, which one can be a little bit more noticeable and which one can be a little bit relaxed, but we still keep outside a certain warning line at all times and feed it like this.

  [Explanation] Shen Yunfeng's daily work is accompanied by tigers, and dangers are often accompanied by them.

Perhaps many people think that the tigers raised in captivity are completely free of wild nature, and that the breeders just carry out simple feeding operations every day and there is no danger, but this is not the case. Whenever they clean the cages and inspect the captive areas, they will take them. Be 100% vigilant.

Shen Yunfeng said that once the details are wrong, tragedies will occur.

  [Concurrent] Shen Yunfeng, Tiger Breeder of Jinan Wildlife World

  Many tourists say that the tiger you raised is no longer wild. It is not at all. Don't challenge its wildness, especially our tiger is very excited to see strangers.

If it wants to attack people normally, it can be seen, and it may be caused by carelessness.

Normally, we basically operate in two people. Two people do it, one does it, and the other is watching. Any abnormal behavior of the animal can be seen in advance.

  [Commentary] Shen Yunfeng said frankly that he has never regretted doing this job, because this job makes him feel not only the danger, but also the happiness of harmony between humans and animals. Many tigers in the park are from him. The cubs were raised, and they have deep feelings like family.

Shen Yunfeng will continue to accompany tigers in the future, taking care of every tiger carefully while ensuring his own safety.

  (Reported by Yang Fei in Jinan)

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]