Do not eat this fruit on an empty stomach

The evil of the specialized site "birdie", according to the American nutritionist Daryl Geoffer, that she advised not to eat bananas in the morning on an empty stomach, and if fruit must be eaten, the expert advises eating an apple or pear, for example.

As some people resort to eating fruit as a healthy alternative to breakfast, which may contain harmful fats or excess calories, but nutrition experts have reported that not all types of fruit can be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning.

The expert attributed her warning against eating bananas to the fact that they contain a large amount of sugar compared to other fruits such as apples and pears, as bananas can be described as a "sugar bomb," she said.

 Explaining that it provides the body with energy quickly, which leads to a rise in blood sugar also quickly, but it also returns quickly, but for athletes who need energy quickly, eating bananas in the morning is useful and can provide them with the necessary energy.

In this context, health experts believe that after that, one feels hungry again before the time for lunch, and hunger is associated with feeling tired, so it is not appropriate to eat bananas and fill hunger until lunch time.