Springer Nature’s open-access journal "Science Reports" recently published an endangered animal protection research paper saying that the endangered primate Hainan Gibbon was photographed crossing an artificial rope bridge that connects their forest canopy habitat The huge gap between the two shows that the artificial rope bridge may be conducive to the conservation of these rare primates.

  Corresponding author of the paper and Hong Kong Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Garden Chen Beile and his colleagues built an artificial canopy bridge for Hainan gibbons in 2015 to help them between two habitats separated by a 15-meter-wide shallow trench formed by natural landslide Move and install motion sensor cameras to monitor the usage of wild animals.

  On the 176th day after the artificial canopy bridge was installed, the Hainan Gibbon was photographed crossing the rope bridge for the first time.

During the 470 days of research, 208 photos and 53 videos of gibbons using rope bridges were recorded.

  (Video source from Hong Kong Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden reporter Sun Zifa and editor Zhou Jing)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]