This is how Samsung mocked the new iPhone 12

The South Korean company Samsung took advantage of the criticism of the iPhone 12 to embarrass the American company, after the latter announced that it did not have a charger and headphones with the new iPhone series.

And one of the official accounts of Samsung, via "Facebook", published a picture of one of its phone chargers, and it was written "" with your phone ", in an embarrassing message to the American company.

The account commented on the picture, saying, "Your Galaxy phone gives you what you are looking for in any smartphone, from the simplest such as a charger, to the best camera, battery, performance and memory, and even a 120 Hz screen."

The Chinese company Xiaomi - also - published a video clip of its new phone charger, "Mi 10 T Pro", and commented, "Don't worry, we did not leave anything out of the box with the Mi 10 T Pro."

Apple was subjected to sharp criticism after the unveiling of the new iPhone 12 series, due to the announcement that there was no charger and headphones included in the phone box, in addition to the fact that it had not added anything new this year.