From small to large, we will often hear a lot of "common sense"-eating a vegetarian diet is healthier than eating meat, eating more vegetables can improve constipation, nosebleeds will raise your head...

  But as you know, in this era of information explosion, many of the "common sense" that we regard as the golden rule and unquestioning are actually rumors!

  Let's take a look at which "pseudo-common sense" you have foolishly believed for a long time...


  1. Eating vegetarian is healthier than eating meat?

  Many people worry that eating meat will increase the risk of three highs and cardiovascular diseases, and there are more and more vegetarians.

However, long-term vegetarianism is likely to cause insufficient protein intake, which may easily lead to metabolic disorders, reduced immunity, and accelerated aging.

  A balanced diet with meat and vegetables is the right approach.

  Suggestion: Vegetarians should eat more beans, wheat, nuts and other foods rich in plant protein.

  2. Can eating more vegetables improve constipation?

  Eating more vegetables can help improve constipation caused by lack of dietary fiber.

  However, there are many causes of constipation. Like most elderly constipation, it is often related to decreased intestinal flora, decreased sensory function, diseases such as anus and pelvic floor, and some side effects of drugs. Therefore, it cannot be solved by eating vegetables. All constipation problems.

  Tip: Blindly intake of high dietary fiber foods will increase the burden of digestion, especially for groups with poor digestive function.

  3. Can't A and B eat together?

  The most commonly heard are "Crab and persimmon, eating together will lead to stones", "Spinach and tofu, eating together will cause indigestion"...

  However, nutrition experts say that there is no scientific basis for food to restrain.

Some people experience physical discomfort after eating the so-called "Xianke" food, mostly due to unclean food, food allergies, or incorrect eating methods.

  4. Can't you eat spicy food if your stomach is not good?

  Whether it is suitable for spicy food depends on physical fitness.

  "Spicy" has the effect of pungent and loosening, and it is also warm and dry, and can help expel moisture from the body.

For people who have a bad appetite, eating spicy food can also help "waking up the spleen."

  Therefore, spicy foods such as sesame leaves, green onions, ginger, garlic, aniseed can be eaten appropriately, which is good for stomach discomfort caused by internal resistance of cold and dampness.

  However, people who have stomach ulcers and excessive stomach fire should eat less.

  5. To use oil alternately means to use oils with different names?

  Nutrition experts emphasize the diversification of oils, so many people eat soybean oil this month, peanut oil or rapeseed oil next month...

  But diversified oil refers to changing varieties according to the structure of fatty acids, not by name.

  * Soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil have similar structures;

  *Peanut oil and rice oil are similar;

  *Almond oil, olive oil, tea seed oil are similar;

  * Linseed oil and Perilla seed oil are similar.

  6. Stir-fry vegetables with low fire, less nutrient loss?

  We know that many vitamins are afraid of heat, so we think that the nutritional loss of low-fire cooking is less.

But experiments have shown that the loss of vitamin C in fast-fried vegetables is only 17%. If they are fried and then braised, the vitamin C in the vegetables will lose 59%.

  Therefore, stir-fry dishes should be stir-fried quickly. Adding some vinegar is more conducive to the preservation of vitamins.


  1. Looking up with nosebleeds?

  The emergency measure for many people with nosebleeds is to look up for fear of bleeding.

But as you know, nosebleeds may cause the blood to flow back, and in severe cases, it may choke into the trachea and cause suffocation.

  Correct method: Pinch the nose with your hands, lower your head slightly, and press the ruptured blood vessel to stop the bleeding.

Generally speaking, it can be stopped by pressing for about 5 minutes. If the bleeding continues, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

  2. Need to drink vinegar and swallow rice with fishbone stuck in the throat?

  Drinking vinegar will not soften the fish bones, but drinking too much will burn the esophagus and gastric mucosa; swallowing rice will bring the fish bones deeper and deeper, stabbing the esophagus.

  Correct way: small fishbone is easy to take, use tweezers to pick it up; big fishbone may be difficult, seek medical attention in time.

  In addition, some people use vinegar to wash their faces for whitening, use vinegar to soak their feet to treat odor, drink vinegar to lose weight... I want to say, let vinegar be a simple condiment.

  3. Wearing glasses will aggravate myopia?

  The deepening of myopia has nothing to do with glasses, but the result of bad eye habits.

  If it is clear that myopia often does not wear glasses, it may really deepen the degree of myopia.

Because I don’t wear glasses, myopic eyes are used to squinting when looking at things, causing muscles in the eyes to contract and tense, which will cause muscle fatigue and accelerate the development of myopia.

  4. Is the honey crystal broken?

  The honey I bought is liquid, but it will crystallize in cold weather or after a period of time. This is actually normal.

  Some glucose molecules in honey will gradually grow from small crystalline nuclei to form crystals as the temperature decreases.

Honey is easiest to crystallize at 13-14°C.

The crystallization has nothing to do with honey adulteration or deterioration, you can continue to eat it.

  But if the honey tastes sour and there is a dense layer of bubbles floating on the surface, it means that the honey has deteriorated and it is no longer suitable for consumption.

  I would also like to remind everyone that you don’t need to put the honey in the refrigerator in a hurry, generally store it at room temperature and avoid light.

  5. Cactus cannot protect against radiation

  Cactus can absorb the radiant energy produced in the sun, such as infrared rays and ultraviolet rays, but it does not mean that it can block the radiation produced by electronic products. These are two different concepts.

  6. Bamboo charcoal and green plants cannot remove formaldehyde

  Dr. Shi Jun pointed out that bamboo charcoal only absorbs formaldehyde instead of absorption, and formaldehyde may be released if it is not firmly adsorbed. Plants such as Chlorophytum have the ability to absorb formaldehyde, but the absorption is very limited.

  Opening windows for ventilation is the most convenient and effective way to remove formaldehyde.


  1. More sweating, high exercise intensity, more effective in reducing fat?

  Sweating is mainly the loss of water in the body, not the release of fat as you think.

Some people have a large body base and sweat after a little exercise, but this does not mean that they consume a lot of fat.

  Therefore, statements such as steaming in a sauna and wrapping plastic wrap to lose weight are also undesirable.

  An efficient way to reduce fat by exercise may wish to perform anaerobic exercise first to consume the pre-stored energy and glycogen, and then continue to do aerobic exercise that can consume fat.

  2. Where can I concentrate on exercising where I am fat?

  Local muscle gain is possible, but local weight loss is a lie!

  Fat is an integral system in the human body, and to reduce it is to reduce it from head to toe.

Exercise first consumes visceral fat, then subcutaneous fat, and subcutaneous fat is consumed first in places with high blood flow, such as limbs and cheeks.

  3. Replenish water after exercise?

  The human body loses a lot of water and electrolytes after long-term, high-intensity exercise, but if you drink a lot of water at one time, the sodium in the blood will be rapidly metabolized and discharged, and symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, and rapid heartbeat will occur.

  In severe cases, it may also cause convulsions, shock, organ failure, that is, hyponatremia, also called water intoxication.

The correct way is to swallow slowly, and tonic in times.

  4. People with bad knee joints should exercise less?

  Authoritative studies have found that for patients with knee osteoarthritis, the use of individualized and moderate exercise will not only not aggravate joint pain, but can relieve the symptoms of joint pain and even significantly improve the function of the knee joint.

  However, if you sit for a long time or lie down for a long time, it will cause muscle loss and other problems.

Therefore, people with knee problems can choose appropriate exercises according to their own conditions under the guidance of a doctor.


  1. Can fever and sweat be reduced?

  Covering sweat during a high fever will hinder the body's heat dissipation and rapidly increase body temperature, causing hypermetabolism and increased oxygen consumption, which may cause symptoms such as dehydration, acidosis, and hypoxia.

Especially young children may suffer shock or even death in severe cases.

  Only when the fever begins to go away will I cover up and sweat, not when I cover up to sweat.

  2. Use antibiotics for pain, redness, swelling and fever?

  Antibiotics ≠ anti-inflammatory drugs!

If you want to directly reduce the inflammation, you must rely on special anti-inflammatory drugs.

Antibiotics are only effective when inflammation is caused by bacteria.

Abuse of antibiotics can lead to resistance.

  Tips: Generally, antibiotics containing "xilin", "mycin", "cephalosporin", "sulfa", "cyclin", and "floxacin" are used with caution.

  3. Can taking medicine control the condition?

  I can only say that you think of the disease too simple!

Taking hypertension as an example, in addition to insisting on medication, daily interventions such as quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, eating more fruits and vegetables, less oil and salt, optimism, scientific exercise, weight control and other life interventions are also indispensable ways to control pressure.

  Don't think that everything will be fine if you take medicine. Unhealthy living, eating and other habits are also important factors that induce diseases, and you should correct them in time.

  4. If the physical examination indicators are abnormal, it must be sick?

  As soon as the physical examination report came out, those rising and falling arrows always affected people's hearts.

If the index exceeds the normal value, you suspect that you are sick.

  Experts said that the body detected is an instantaneous value, which is affected by many factors. For example, if you did not rest a few days ago, the examination may show increased transaminase, but this does not mean that the subject has a liver problem; drinking, body Inflammation may increase tumor markers, but this does not mean that it is cancer.

If abnormalities occur, further targeted inspections are required.

  And the physical examination indicators also vary from person to person.

For example, the normal values ​​of blood pressure, blood lipids and other indicators are only for healthy people, but if they are accompanied by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, these indicators need to be lower than normal to be safe.

For example, the target value of blood pressure for patients with general hypertension is <140/90mmHg; for some patients with other diseases, the target value is <130/80mmHg.

  The purpose of the physical examination is to understand the health status, eliminate the risk of illness, and better manage the health.

With the results of the physical examination, you must seek the advice of your doctor in time, and don't think about it or use drugs indiscriminately.

  The above-mentioned "pseudo-common sense" is only a small part, there are actually many in life.

When encountering some so-called popular science articles from unknown sources, don't blindly believe it, let alone act as a disseminator of false information.

  Comprehensive reports from Xinhua News Agency, Beijing Satellite TV, etc.