Stéphane Sitbon-Gomez during the EELV summer days, in 2014. -


He had a month to think about it: newly appointed to the head of programs and antennas of France Televisions, Stéphane Sitbon Gomez, detailed in the

Journal du dimanche 

his strategy.

First axis: "major events and the live".

A night live from the United States will be organized for the US presidential election on November 3.

A "culture telethon" will be created to help the sector hit by the crisis.

Finally the young director (33 years old) promises the broadcasting of theatrical evenings, "a project inspired by the BBC" according to the weekly.

A documentary on De Gaulle

Second axis: creation, with in particular an “ambitious” documentary policy, which follows the great success of the documentary

Décolonisations, du sang et des larmes

, broadcast on October 6 on France 2, which brought together nearly 2.2 million of people.

France Télévisions will broadcast in November a long documentary devoted to General De Gaulle, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death.

Three fictions are in progress, one adapted from a comic book by Enki Bilal, the other from the book

Les Particules elementaires

by Michel Houellebecq and finally another after


Finally, third axis, the debate of ideas.

A “non-divisive” program would be under study, which could resemble the old program broadcast in the 1980s

Michel Polac's

Right of Response


As well as a program focused on ecology.

Not necessarily surprising when we know that the new director is a former EELV and the former special advisor of Cécile Duflot.


Tour de France: Thierry Adam announces live that he is leaving France Télévisions


France Télévisions: Stéphane Sitbon-Gomez, close to Delphine Ernotte, becomes number 2 instead of Takis Candilis

  • Debate

  • Documentary

  • Fiction

  • Television

  • France Televisions