Accompanied by the breeze of the golden autumn season, for the past few days, Fendai chaozi grass has appeared in Niugangshan Park in Fuzhou, attracting many tourists to come and take pictures.

This wave of pink flowers also blasted the circle of friends and became the "net celebrity fairy grass."

On the afternoon of October 10th, the reporter came to Niugangshan Park for an on-site interview.

  Fendai chaotic grass is also known as Maomang chaotic grass.

Its main feature is that its leaves and flower spikes will change color with the seasons. The leaves are green for most of the year. The flowers are usually pink or purplish red in autumn, green in spring and summer, and yellow in winter.

  The breeze blows across the sea of ​​flowers, swaying layers of waves. Visitors are in the half-height flowers and take a quick shot, which is full of beautiful pictures of young girls.

(Reporter Wu Shengwei edited Lu Jie)

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]