Nashratkom (11/10/2020) I followed this call, which came through a tweet by the Israeli army spokesman Avichai Adrai, where the famous Israeli singer Omir Adam wrote on a visit to Dubai and published pictures of his participation in the celebrations of the Jewish community in the Emirates on the holiday of Torah joy ".

"How beautiful is peace! We (and I personally) are waiting for Hussein Al Jasmi in Israel," accompanied his tweet with a picture of the Israeli artist, mediating the two countries' flags.

Among the comments that expressed their strong rejection of the move to normalize the Arab countries with Israel in all fields, what he wrote to Al-Sayd, “What is the ugliest of this peace! Until it disappears, as did the former colonial entities of Greece, the Romans, the Crusaders and the English.

On the other hand, activist Ibrahim Al-Houti expressed his welcome to the Israeli artist's visit to the Emirates, saying that this step expresses tolerance and peace, and he tweeted, "Welcome and welcome to all peace-loving people in the country of tolerance and peace."

In the context of supporting normalization with Israel, the tweet, Hosni Al-Rashidi, wrote, "All free Arabs support Al-Jasmi's singing of the Zionist entity, and perhaps it is Faraj nearby."

It is noteworthy that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had praised the agreement on full normalization of relations with the UAE, describing it as a "historical peace," while explaining at the same time that he had not removed the issue of extending sovereignty over the West from his agenda.