The Timonde intensive care unit in Marseille, September 28, 2020 (illustration) -


You've probably seen them on a friend's Facebook wall or in a WhatsApp chat.

Because intoxes increasingly rub shoulders with real news, writing 

20 Minutes

 helps you sort out the true from the false.

1. Are these two statements about Emmanuelle Charpentier true?

We take stock, after the reactions to his Nobel Prize in chemistry. 

2. Does public transport represent less than 1% of Covid-19 contamination? 

We looked into this statement by the Minister for Transport.

3. Yes, the Covid-19 epidemic has indeed caused excess mortality in France

Contrary to what claims a Facebook post relaying (misinterpreted) figures from INSEE.

4. Donald Trump, died in "The Simpsons"? 

It's an editing.

5. Madame de Sévigné, confined because of an epidemic?

It's a fake letter

We explain to you why this viral pastiche could have fooled Internet users.

6. No, the message "Argentina does it" will not hack your smartphone

It is intoxicating (the hard way). 

The latest issue of "Oh my fake" looks at the (false) threat of an asteroid


Report information that you think is false to the "Fake Off" team of "20 Minutes"

  • Nobel

  • Fake off

  • Covid 19

  • Coronavirus

  • Society