Total salary in August Negative for 5 consecutive months, down 1.3% from the same month last year 8:32 on October 9

The average total salary per worker in August was about 270,000 yen, 1.3% lower than the same month last year, and has been negative for 5 consecutive months.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, "The negative range of overtime pay is getting smaller, but the influence of the new coronavirus is continuing."

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is conducting a "monthly labor statistics survey" targeting more than 30,000 business establishments nationwide with five or more employees, and announced the preliminary figures for August on the 9th.

According to this, the average total cash salary in August was 273,263 yen per worker, including basic salary and overtime pay.

This is a 1.3% decrease compared to the same month last year, and has been negative for the fifth straight month.

Overtime pay and other overtime pay have continued to decline significantly since April, reaching 16,617 yen in August, a 14% decrease from the same month last year.

Scheduled cash earnings such as basic cash earnings decreased by 0.1% from the same month last year to 244,547 yen, the first negative figure in one year and two months.

On the other hand, real wages, which reflect price fluctuations, fell 1.4% from the same month last year, and have been negative for the sixth straight month.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, "Although the negative range of overtime pay is getting smaller, the influence of the new coronavirus is continuing. There is a possibility that it has been reduced, so we must keep an eye on future trends. "