Doctors warn of a "gel" of polyps that fill the lungs of some "Corona" patients

Doctors warned that the new Corona virus fills the lungs of some patients with a liquid "gel", which was discovered by researchers from Umeå University in Sweden, during the autopsy of some deceased Covid-19 patients, according to the British newspaper, "Mirror".

An analysis of the gel showed that it consists of a substance called hyaluronan, which is normally found in connective tissue.

This substance is also produced industrially in cosmetics for lip augmentation and anti-wrinkle treatments.

"Since hyaluronan can bind large amounts of water in its network of long particles, it forms a gel-like substance. This is the process that leads to riots in the air sacs of the lungs of" Covid-19 "patients, which leads to a need, the researchers explained in a statement. The patient is on a ventilator, and in the worst case, he dies from respiratory failure. "

In other diseases, such as gallbladder attacks, a drug called Hymecromone is used to slow down the production of hyaluronan.

Cortisone, a steroid, has also been shown to reduce hyaluronan production.

"There are already treatments that either slow the body's production of this gel or break down the gel through an enzyme," said Urban Hillman, a researcher on the study. "It was previously assumed that the promising initial results would be related to the general anti-inflammatory properties of cortisone, but in addition to those beliefs, it might reduce it." Corticosteroids are also produced by hyaluronan, which may reduce the amount of gel in the lungs.