At the end of September, there was a call from Swedish Radio employees who pointed out racist structures in the company, something that should have affected the work environment and news evaluation.

Similar stories have now reached the management at SVT, which has chosen to bring forward an internal survey on employee inclusion.

It is a survey that will be sent out to all employees at SVT, which was originally intended to be conducted in April 2021.

- There have been employees who have heard from them and told about situations where they think they have not been treated as well in the workplace.

Then we felt that the best way, in addition to of course listening and understanding those who heard from us, is to ask the question to everyone at the company.

Then you get an opportunity to make your voice heard and we get a better overall picture which we can then take action against and follow up, says Sabina Rasiwala, HR and communications director at SVT.

The debate about racist experiences within SVT has arisen before.

Most recently in 2017, several employees went out and criticized SVT's multiple work based on the Morning Studio.

Are there people who feel racist, or discriminated against, in the company today?

- It varies a lot, but some feel that their voice and their perspective and their experiences have not been taken care of.

And in some cases you have also felt that you have tried to say this, but you have not been listened to.

And this is a structured way of listening, which I think is important, says Sabina Rasiwala.