A teacher wearing a mask.



Matignon announced on Sunday that the classrooms or amphitheatres of

universities and higher education schools can only be filled from Tuesday to 50% of their maximum capacity in the enhanced and maximum alert zone, due to the rebound of the coronavirus epidemic.

This is forcing institutions to reorganize their teaching, even if some had already intensified distance learning courses.

If you are a student, tell us how your back to school is going.

In which university are you enrolled and at what level?

Do you only have distance courses, or also face-to-face?

Are you well equipped at home to take the courses remotely?

If hybrid mode has been chosen in your establishment, are you comfortable with this organization?

Are you taking the courses well so far?

Are the online courses well designed (videos, podcasts, interactive exercises…)?

How do you communicate with your teachers?

If you are an L1 student, do you have a maximum of face-to-face lessons?


Coronavirus: Clusters larger in secondary and higher education than in schools


Bac 2020: University presidents are worried about a massive influx of baccalaureate holders at the start of the school year

  • Covid 19

  • Coronavirus

  • Education

  • University

  • Society

  • Student