A reenactment in the Steve Maia Caniço affair took place on Tuesday afternoon in Nantes -

S. Salom Gomis / AFP

  • The reconstitution, which took place on Tuesday Quai Wilson in Nantes, aims to determine to the minute the moment when the young man of 24 years fell in the Loire.

  • A very important element "to be able to start the debate around responsibilities", explained Philippe Astruc, public prosecutor of Rennes,

A beige mannequin dressed in black to reproduce the moment of the fall.

A reconstruction of the Steve Maia Caniço affair began early Tuesday afternoon in Nantes to determine "down to the minute" when the 24-year-old fell in the Loire on the evening of the Fête de la music in 2019. "We are trying to determine the precise minute in which Steve Maia Caniço fell in the Loire because this element is very important to be able to start the debate around the responsibilities", explained Philippe Astruc, the public prosecutor of Rennes, where the affair was disoriented in the fall of 2019.

"It is not the same if Steve Maia Caniço fell, like others, in the Loire before the intervention of the police, at the very moment of the intervention, a few minutes after the intervention or later" , he detailed from the Quai Wilson.

It is on this quay which overlooks the Loire from several meters that the young extracurricular animator came to dance during an electro evening which ended with tear gas firing on the night of June 21 to 22, 2019. His body was found in the river more than a month later.

"An obviously central element"

"We have a fairly precise timing of the other elements: the moment when the police intervened, the moment when the tear gas canisters were launched, so we are missing this element of knowing when ( …) Steve Maia Caniço fell in the Loire, it is obviously a central element ”, explained the prosecutor.

During the afternoon, police investigators, the prosecutor and lawyer for Steve Maia Caniço's family surveyed the Wilson wharf.

Three judicial information "against X" are investigated in Rennes.

One for “manslaughter” concerning the death of Steve Maia Caniço, the other for “endangering the life of others”, concerning the police intervention, and the third, for violence on “person depositary of the 'public authority' when it comes to taking part in the police.


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Steve Maia Caniço case: Where is the case, one year after his death in Nantes?

  • Steve Maia Caniço

  • Society

  • Nantes

  • Investigation