On October 1st, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Shaolin Temple in Quanzhou, Fujian hosted the 2020 National Day Mid-Autumn Zen and Martial Arts Performance. More than a hundred local citizens, tourists, and Shaolin Temple followers gathered at Shaolin Temple to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoy the joy of festive reunion.

  In the evening, the "Drum · Wu" brought by the Quanzhou Shaolin Temple Martial Arts Group, and the Yangyixuan Yangxin Drum Team brought the Sekong Drum "Zen Yun Jiangnan". The puppets, classical dance, guqin performance and other programs attracted the scene. There was cheers and applause.

  (Zhang Jun video source from Quanzhou Shaolin Temple editor Li Jiali)

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]