President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy issued an ultimatum to Poland: Warsaw, in his opinion, should restore the desecrated graves of UPA members * on Mount Monastery near the current Ukrainian-Polish border.

The Polish government is ready for a lot in relations with Ukraine, but their attitude to the Banderaites is quite unequivocal: they were bandits who were engaged in genocide of civilians.

They do not accept a different opinion.

For us, this is the very case when both options are bad, but the lesser of two evils must be chosen.

Of the two non-brother nations in this particular case, the Poles, oddly enough, turn out to be closer to us, if one can say so at all.

Who would have thought that such a discord could suddenly occur in this synergy and harmonious orchestra of anti-Russian limitrophic hatred.

And this is not just a spat.

The question on the part of Ukraine is serious, ultimatum: either you are restoring the graves of Ukrainian nationalists, or there is no meeting between the two presidents.

And there is no meeting between the two presidents - what kind of further effective interaction can we talk about?

Not about any.

Such a demarche from Kiev turned out to be very inappropriate for the international anti-Russian lobby.

This strange trick of Zelensky, who defiled himself doubly, looks somehow stupid: not only did it spoil relations with Poland, the closest American vassal, which Ukraine itself dreams of becoming, but also once again went on about the Ukrainian nationalists, who, of course, , very noisy and seemingly formidable, but have long bothered the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians who voted for Zelensky precisely as an alternative to Poroshenko's nationalist intoxication.

And when did this happen?

At such a crucial moment on the Belarusian front, when French President Emmanuel Macron meets with citizen Tikhanovskaya, when Britain and Canada impose sanctions against Lukashenka.

It is high time to support, so to speak, from below these big initiatives of the big Western brothers - to merge in solidarity in the Polish-Ukrainian anti-Belarusian union, together anathematize Lukashenko, sing hosanna to the Belarusian protesters, train and equip volunteer detachments designed to free the Belarusian people from the dictator's oppression, and to do all this precisely harmoniously, together.

But no, it didn't work out and didn't work out.

The trouble came from whence they did not expect it and at the same time - from where it was high time to wait.

The stupidity and shortsightedness of the Kiev establishment truly knows no limits, and after six years of direct control over Ukraine, the West had to get used to it.

What has Zelensky achieved with his demarche inside Ukraine?

An additional portion of self-loathing from the still healthy, yes, healthy majority.

What has he achieved outside?

If not a complete loss of a partner in the person of Poland, then certainly a serious cooling of relations.

What did Poland get?

A cold shower that allowed me to come to my senses a little.

Volyn massacre and other acts of genocide of Poles in the west of Ukraine (or in the east of Poland, as they believe in Warsaw) are not going to be forgotten.

At the end of last year, Prime Minister Morawiecki said that Poland should build relations with Ukraine based on historical truth.

This suggests a simple conclusion: the Poles are not ready to compromise on the subject of history.

And the demand against this background to restore the graves of Ukrainian nationalists, who were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Poles, is not just unacceptable for Warsaw - it is a direct insult.

So the short-lived happiness in a short marriage ended - old wounds made themselves felt.

One wrong word, and peace and harmony came to an end.

An instructive story, and not only from the point of view of geopolitics, but from the point of view of human relations in general.

What has been the basis for that very "strong" interaction between the two countries, Poland and Ukraine, all recent years?

Exclusively on the bestial hatred of Russia, the desire to destroy the enemy, the selfless, fierce, sometimes irrational thirst for revenge for the “damned Soviet past”.

Hate is a shaky foundation for long-term relationships.

A relationship built only on denial is unlikely to yield positive results.

And with a creative basis not only in Eastern Europe, but in the world as a whole, it is very bad - the crisis.

A small Ukrainian-Polish episode in a large theatrical performance entitled “Let's destroy Russia and build a world of common prosperity” vividly illustrates the ancient biblical truth: you will recognize them by their fruits.

The intermediate fruits came out ugly and rancid.

No one is ready to compromise principles and forgive old grievances.

So our non-brothers in the finale of this strange play will seem terribly disappointed.



* "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) is a Ukrainian organization recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of Russia (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 11/17/2014).

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.