22 years since the founding of "Google" ... and the company celebrates itself

Today, September 27, marks the anniversary of the opening of the "Google" company, which was founded in 1998 AD, which is affiliated with Alpha Bet, and is based in Mountain View, California.

Google celebrated, on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of its establishment, by the search engine changing its usual image from the word "google" to an expressive image of the word, where the letter G appeared wearing a ceremonial hat while searching through the computer screen, showing pictures embodying the rest of the letters The word "Google" with a festive design, also accompanied by a piece of cake and a gift wrapped.

It is noteworthy that the company "Google" was founded by PhD students Sergey Brin and Larry Page in 1998 AD, and it is affiliated with the Alpha Bet company, based in Mountain View, California.

And the two students decided, from the dormitory at Stanford University, to launch the search engine "Google".

And they chose that name for their project, which was small at the time, relative to a mathematical term known as "Gogol", which means that 10 units have a force of 100 units, according to the British newspaper "The Independent" website.

Google began as an Internet search company that deals with more than 70% of Internet search requests all over the world, and now provides more than 50 online services in addition to its various products;

Such as e-mail known as Gmail, and the creation of documents via the Internet, to programs for mobile phones and tablets, and "Google" acquired Motorola in 2012, which opened the way for it in the market of selling electronic devices such as cell phones.

Google is now one of the four major companies influencing the technology market, along with Apple, IBM, and Microsoft, due to its widespread services.

Despite this huge number of products, but the search engine "Google" remains the basis of its success. In 2016, Alphabet achieved almost all of its profits through advertising based on user search.

The use of Google by millions led to the addition of his name to the Oxford English Dictionary and Myriam Webster in 2006 as a synonym for "searching for something on the Internet."

In the same year, Google bought YouTube to download and display video clips for one billion and 65 million dollars, which represents one of the most important developments for the company to play a pivotal role in the world of virtual reality video.   

Google does not cease to develop itself and keep pace with the rapid change in the world of the Internet, until the value of one share for the company, last year, reached 1233 dollars, after it was once only 85 dollars, and the number of searches through the largest engine in the world became 63 thousand per second.