【Opening】Editor's note:

  Dialogue with popular people and understand the story behind the news.

One person with one face, or one person with a thousand faces?

Speaking is not only the communication of words, but also the touch of the soul.

Here, the news protagonist becomes more three-dimensional.

  Chinanews client, Beijing, September 24th, 

title: Writing "love poems" of male stars was abused by Internet, Yu Xiuhua: They read too little

  Reporter Ren Siyu

  The true temperament and the courage to speak up made the poet Yu Xiuhua several hot searches in two months.

The most recent time was because of an interview. In her personal studio, after drunk, she responded dizzyly to various questions about Weibo, writing poems, emotions, and feminism on Weibo.

  Some people admire her courage to laugh and curse. Others say that she was hyped up by this era, and the level of personality and topic seems to surpass the value of poetry itself. Yu Xiuhua has never been such worried: Without any burden, I can do whatever I love."

Yu Xiuhua.

Photo by Ren Siyu, China News Service

Two hot searches, "Weibo got sick"

  There have been several hot searches in the past two months. Poet Yu Xiuhua now has the title of "Keyboard Man Nemesis" and "Battle Poet". She feels that this is a mistake.

  The first time because of the "angry keyboard man" and the second time because of the video interview, Yu Xiuhua bluntly said that he was "scared to death", "The first time I was on the hot search, I think cursing people can still be on the hot search, Weibo got sick; second The last time I searched, I felt that Weibo's illness had been guilty again. The second time it was because Xu Yan was so good, it was not because of me. It was all a mistake."

  On Weibo, some netizens could not understand her poems and some netizens used harsh words to attack her with physical disabilities. She all went back angrily and even used foul language without hesitation.

Source: Weibo screenshot

  She laughed at the title of "female poet of combat department", she learned a few tricks from the Beggars.

"I'll be a little bit like that. Really, it's not worth mentioning compared to those who can swear. It's a small case."

  What's interesting is that she has nearly 200,000 more fans since she was on Weibo.

  Public figures are often caught in the controversy of online violence, and Yu Xiuhua's undisguised attitude is now rare.

She said at the new book sharing meeting: "Internet violence is actually a concrete manifestation of the impetuous people in this society. Many people are first unwilling to think about whether this thing is right or I did it right, and secondly, they don’t think. In the final analysis, his abilities are impetuousness and too little reading, so I still advise everyone to read more."

  Another reason for being criticized by netizens is that she wrote several "daring love poems" to singer Li Jian. Yu Xiuhua once said that they were not written to Li Jian, but just borrowed Li Jian, a public figure, to express her emotional sustenance.

A poem written by Yu Xiuhua to Li Jian.

Source: Weibo screenshot

  In May of this year, she wrote in her article: “Think about it carefully, and I don’t know the origin of the poems I wrote to Li Jian. The usual banter and ridicule have become my face to this world. For all beautiful and vicious ways. I only have appreciation for Li Jian, whether it is deep or shallow. It is clear to anyone that we are small planets on two orbits, no matter how hard we work, we can't complete the intersection of encounters. , I never longed, not at all."

  But she did not intend to explain to Li Jian herself, "If you don’t explain, I just want to write to you. I think this is fun. How do I say that some people still don’t believe it, and some people always believe it, right? It depends on you. Distinguish".

She went on to say, "Li Jian is a very good person, otherwise I would not look down on him."

Writing poems requires talent and luck

  Since the end of 2014, the poem "Passing Through Most of China to Sleep with You" became popular all over the country, Yu Xiuhua's writing has been accompanied by praise and controversy.

  In the new version of "Moonlight Falling on the Left Hand" released a few days ago, she added her new work in recent years.

Looking back at the poems written six or seven years ago, she feels that it was the climax of her creation.

Yu Xiuhua's "Moonlight Falls on the Left Hand" Hardcover Collector's Edition.

Source: Photo courtesy of the publisher.

  In her poems, Yu Xiuhua writes about love, affection, life perception, villages, and land, mixing women's rich and keen emotional nerves.

After she became famous, her writing theme remained the same: "People’s concerns are related to her personality and psychological needs. For example, I don’t think I can change this society, nor can I change anyone through my words. Leave it alone, all I can care about is my heart and the few people around me."

  Poetry is a window for people to get to know Yu Xiuhua. At the site of her new book sharing session, there are teenagers and elderly people in their 70s. Several stars have also come to talk about the power that poetry brings to them.

  Regarding the various interpretations of poems, Yu Xiuhua said that poems do not belong to one person.

Many people like poetry because they read the part they want.

The reason why poetry can resonate and empathize is because different people always read different things from different angles and sides.

  Yu Xiuhua said, "Poetry is a natural thing to me. It does not have persistence or power, but it may be different in the eyes of others. Maybe they will see power or other things, but in me In my eyes, it is part of my nature, there is no such thing as persistence or anything else."

Yu Xiuhua.

Source: Photo courtesy of the publisher.

  She confessed that writing poetry is something that requires talent. Some things are innate, such as the sensitivity of a poet, as well as the angle and direction of thinking, but reading books will also make up for these problems.

  Although she said to let netizens read more, she felt a little impetuous, "I don't know what I am doing all the time."

She admits that she is an emotional writer and has no plan. Sometimes when she gets inspiration and writes some words, she will be interrupted by some trivial things.

"It depends on luck to write, not on talent, talent is there, luck is not always there."

I don't have a "person"

  Yu Xiuhua said that sometimes when encountering painful emotions, in addition to writing, “drinking is a very good solution. I didn’t say that drinking can solve pain, but time can solve all problems, including humiliation, and everything is Time to heal".

  The most time, she drank two catties in the studio, "I slept alone for two days, and I would have no idea if I was stolen by a thief at that time. It was very good."

"Moonlight falls on the left hand" illustration.

Source: Photo courtesy of the publisher.

  After the new book was published, many scholars, writers, musicians, stars, and artists came to read Yu Xiuhua's poems. She laughed and said that she felt that she had read the best.

She once posted a video taken by herself, reading the poem "I Love You":


If I send you a book, I will not send you poems

I want to give you a book about plants and crops

Tell you the difference between rice and tares

Tell you a tares


  The picture of this video is of her small yard. On the balcony with many flower pots, blue snowflakes bloom just right.

  Yu Xiuhua likes to grow flowers, but most of them are half of life and half of life. She doesn’t care, “I bought ten pots today, and five pots are left. If you buy ten pots tomorrow, you will raise five. Continue to buy it on the third day. It will always die. It doesn’t matter if it is over, continue to buy it.”

Source: Video screenshot.

  In the past, she was affected by various controversies on the Internet. "At first, I still felt sad, but later criticized and praised me. I didn’t care. At first, if someone scolded you, you would feel sad. Many people scolded me. If you scold me like this, you will have a kind of rebellious psychology."

  Yu Xiuhua on the Internet is outspoken and daring. People who read with curiosity will find that her writing is sometimes unrestrained and sometimes delicate. Some people say that Yu Xiuhua is “fierce and fresh”. She said: “Many people have a personal design. , Positioning myself as fierce, fresh, and gentle, I am very tired of this thing. I think people want different aspects, which can be rough, gentle, delicate, or the kind of shameless. I think this is better and more comfortable."

  At the new book sharing meeting, facing the discussion of personality and the value of poetry, she responded, “Poetry is the only value, not the value that is recognized by someone. You keep writing and making progress in this process. It is the value of a person. No matter what you do, progress is the only value, and nothing else is called value."
