[Commentary] Prevent the hearing impaired from raising money to buy houses illegally, and properly mediate the family conflicts of the hearing impaired... Recently, the reporter followed He Qiao, a policeman from the Public Security Bureau of Shapingba District, Chongqing, to experience the quietness and restlessness of the silent world.

  [Explanation] In the activity room of a community in Shapingba District, in front of more than 20 hearing-impaired people, the policeman He Qiao moved with his mouth to explain the civil code.

  [Commentary] He Qiao introduced that there is a housing complex in the district where she lives, with more than 140 retired hearing impaired people.

However, in the eyes of ordinary residents in the community, individual hearing impaired people do not pay attention to hygiene, noise and other uncivilized behaviors have also risen to group impressions.

The strange vision makes the hearing impaired people even more reluctant to have normal contact with the society, and many contradictions are getting worse due to poor communication.

  [Explanation] He Qiao, who became a policeman and studied geographic information systems, was a teacher at a university in Chongqing.

He Qiao told reporters that although hearing impaired people are a special group, they should also be respected.

Just like answering students’ problems in their studies, the police also need to solve the problems of the masses in time.

  [Explanation] So, she started to build relationships and joined the WeChat group of the hearing impaired in the community.

In order to gain trust, she taught herself sign language and often took the initiative to find people with hearing impairment to "practice" real-time error correction.

In this way, He Qiao merged into this silent world and became the link between the hearing impaired in the community and the public.

  [Concurrent] He Qiao, a policeman from the Public Security Branch of Shapingba District, Chongqing

  After I came to this community 6 years ago, I learned that there are many deaf-mute workers from the Chongqing High Voltage Switchgear Factory in the community. They have many difficulties in life because of inconvenient communication. In order to better help them and do a good job in police services, I decided to start learning sign language.

  [Explanation] The "Sister Qiao Silent Police Office" named after "He Qiao" was also established. If there are conflicts in the family or in the neighborhood, you know to ask He Qiao for help. There are conflicts involving hearing-impaired people in the community and they cannot communicate with each other. , He Qiao can be solved by the police. On average, he resolves more than 300 disputes and mediates more than 70 cases every year.

  Reporter Jia Nan from Chongqing

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]