Do glasses have a role in preventing Corona attacks?

Live Science has published a scientific research by Chinese experts, which concluded that people who wear glasses may be less likely to be infected, according to the Live Science website.

The researchers in the study analyzed information from 276 patients in a hospital in the Chinese province of Hubei, and found that only about 6% were wearing glasses for more than 8 hours a day, and that they all suffered from myopia or myopia.

Associate Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Professor Lisa Maragakis, who was not involved in the study, wrote in an editorial accompanying the research results published in JAMA Ophthalmology, saying that the results "stimulate further research and raise the possibility that the use of eye protection from Before the general public it may provide a certain degree of protection from Covid-19 infection. "

While Professor Maragakis warned in turn, that it is too early to recommend that everyone wear glasses, goggles or face protectors in public places, in addition to face masks that are already being worn to protect against the emerging corona virus.

Maragakis justifies her recommendations, saying that the study is relatively small and included patients in only one hospital, noting that what really matters is that the study only found a correlation, but it could not prove the "cause and effect" relationship between wearing glasses and preventing Covid-19 disease.

With this in mind, Maragakis called for more studies to confirm the results, and to determine "whether there is any additional benefit to wearing glasses or other forms of eye protection in public places, in addition to wearing a mask and physical distancing, to reduce the risk of infection."

On the other hand, the researchers did not study why glasses reduce the risk of developing Covid-19 disease, but they assumed that wearing glasses discouraged people from touching their eyes, which reduces the chances of the virus spreading from the hands to the eyes.

It is known that eye cells have receptors that allow the SARS-Cove-2 virus, which causes Covid-19 disease, to enter the body.

And that the virus was detected in the eyes of Covid-19 patients.