5 minutes

Avid disease

Abdullah Al-Qamzi


20 September 2020

There was an ungrateful woman working in a pharmaceutical company. The ungrateful woman was not liked by her colleagues because she betrayed them in many situations and conspired against them. She was the oldest in that company, and she was required to train the employees on the work system.

The employees knew that her training for them deals with the basics only, while the rest of the complex details required skills and personal effort from them.

Al-Jahida missed many opportunities to develop itself, and ignored training courses, and for this reason everyone raised their skills and positions and remained at a standstill.

A dispute occurred between the director of one of the departments and the director of the laboratory, and the director of the laboratory was rude, very ferocious, and he was known to blatantly assault his colleagues. The laboratory director entered the office of the director of one of the departments and poured a chemical substance on his face.

The director of one of the departments was admitted to the hospital, and the head of the company became very angry and inflicted the harshest penalty on the laboratory director, which is his dismissal from work and his transfer to the authorities.

All the employees of the company showed solidarity with the director of one of the departments, except for the ungrateful one. She insisted on standing with the aggressor in the midst of everyone’s surprise and disapproval, because the director of one of the departments is the only sympathetic to her, and he who intervened with the company’s president when the latter tried to end its services due to the many complaints against her.

Al-Jahida was caring for a son alone, because of her separation from her husband, and she was complaining that her salary was not enough for her, and as a result everyone sympathized with her and supported her for the sake of her son who is studying at the university, but her support for the director of the separated laboratory made many reconsider her help.

She used to insult and betray her colleagues, and they were patient with her for the sake of her only son, they did not want to complain about her so as not to cut off her livelihood, and he was affected and expelled from the university, whenever an employee in the company promoted and took an oath. », And everyone knows that the promotion in positions was the result of personal diligence and has nothing to do with how the computer program is used in that company.

Ibn Al-Jahdeh graduated and was employed, and after two years he wanted to marry, the Jahida was happy and wanted to hold a simple wedding ceremony for family, relatives and some friends, and she also invited her colleagues in the company.

On the wedding day, in the garden of the house, her son, the groom, sat next to his bride, and the ungrateful woman stood next to the groom's parents ready to receive the guests, everyone with necks and eyes fixed at the gate of the house, waiting for the invitees ... But no one came, the evening hours passed and the middle of the night and no one entered.

The friends did not attend, and no one from the company came. For the first time, the ungrateful person was exposed to this shameful situation in her life. With her presence.


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