Like the eyes, the ears are fragile organs that age.

But we are not all equal when it comes to hearing loss.

In Sans rendez-vous, on Europe 1, Dr Alain Corré, ENT at the Rothschild Foundation, enlightens us on the reasons which must push a person to consult.

Between 6 and 7 million French people are suffering from hearing loss, without necessarily consulting an ENT and going beyond the hearing aid.

It must be said that we are not equal in the face of these pathologies, and that it is therefore difficult to set up a national policy in this area.

Alain Corré, ENT at the Rothschild Foundation, explains Friday in Sans rendez-vous, on Europe 1, when to go for a consultation.

>> Find all of Sans rendez-vous in replay and podcast here

"People have to come when they realize something is going on"

And the first rule is ... "there are no rules", explains the specialist.

"It really depends. You have hearing-impaired families, whose members are those who will be tested regularly and fairly early because there are syndromes with hearing impairment," says Dr Corré.

"But when it's not there, you tend to tell people to come over when they're complaining, when they realize something's going on."

Unlike ophthalmology, dermatology and many other fields, therefore, there is no need to recommend a systematic examination at age 50.

"I do not think that it has a particular interest. Because if the person comes without being embarrassed and that you detect him a minimal hearing impairment, it will lead to nothing", explains the ENT.

The apparatus?

It all depends on age and context

On the other hand, Alain Corré insists on the usefulness of being fitted with a pair, if necessary.

And this time, it depends on the age of the patient but also on the "context".

"If you have someone who is 50 years old, who is in full professional activity and who begins to have a discomfort at 30-35 decibels, he is going to be extremely embarrassed in his professional life. And there, you will really encourage him. to pair up ", explains the doctor.

"But if you have someone who is 75 years old who just needs it to watch TV, who has little social life, who also has a 30-decibel hit, but who isn't asking for absolutely nothing, he doesn't 'It is not certain that he should be forced to be fitted, ”concludes the specialist.