[Explanation] Pushing the door is a 100-meter cliff, and neighbors stop by to walk the cliff and wood road. Villagers in Wanghuagou Village, Ningwu County, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province live in such Yunshang Village.

Wanghuagou Village is located in the depths of Guancen Mountain in the Lvliang Mountains. On September 17, reporters visited the village.

  Wanghuagou Village is 2,300 meters above sea level and is built on a cliff over a hundred meters high.

On the cliffs below the village, bushes are verdant, and springs gush out, forming waterfalls that flow into the small lake below the village.

Go up the stone steps along the side of the village and you can walk into the hanging village.

In 2010, the village was selected as the fifth batch of Chinese historical and cultural villages.

However, because of the remote location, only a few elderly people in the village stayed behind.

  [Concurrent] Yan Peng, Director of Ningwu County Cultural Tourism Bureau

  This village was closed before tourism was developed. There were no roads and it was inconvenient for the people to go up and down the mountain.

Most of the young people and those with some ability have gone out to make a living. One goes out to work, and most of them are immigrants and move out to live.

  [Explanation] The villagers staying in the village live on farming. Their arable land is scattered throughout the mountains. They are often infested by hares and wild boars. Poverty households with registered cards.

In recent years, local tourism has developed, and this hidden ancient village has also attracted more and more outside eyes.

In the tourist season, tourists from all over the country are in an endless stream.

  [Concurrent] Tourists

  I'm from Guangzhou, I'm in Shaanxi, and now I'm in Shanxi, I feel good and beautiful.

  [Explanation] The 47-year-old Zhang Lianhua transformed his old house into a farmhouse.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Lianhua, a villager in Wanghuagou Village

  It was during these seven or eight years that tourism was developed.

It’s not what I didn’t do, what I didn’t do is not, I said that by opening this (farmhouse), I can earn two small dollars.

Usually sell some special dishes, mountain wild vegetables, bracken, bitter vegetables, and our own potato jelly. The staple food is local chicken, and the noodles are rolled noodles, smashed noodles, and noodles.

  [Explanation] Driven by tourism, in 2019, the whole village of Wanghuagou Village was lifted out of poverty.

Many villagers have opened farmhouses, homestays, etc., and the elderly in the village sell mountain products, which is a lively scene.

  [Concurrent] Yan Peng, Director of Ningwu County Cultural Tourism Bureau

  Local young people are now returning to start their own businesses, opening some farmhouses, hotels, and restaurants.

There are still many people coming back to work.

The tourism company has successively invested more than 50 million yuan to repair the roads connecting the villages, as well as parking lots, and some tourist supporting facilities to help the villagers repair the villagers’ houses.

Now the common people follow us to travel and slowly start to get rich. Selling some local products, like our local mushrooms, Maojian tea, and these bracken, the common people through the sale of these local products is also a lot of money income.

  Reporter Qu Lixia reports from Xinzhou, Shanxi

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】