University professor Huang Deng launched a new book "My Two Students" to observe and record the group of students he taught for many years

  She saw their mark in the torrent of times

  Our reporter Lu Yanxia

  Urban students are puzzled by their inability to resist the temptation of electronic products, while rural students are puzzled by the burden of family life.

Professor Huang Deng of Guangdong F College came to this conclusion through feedback from a class assignment.

The new book "My Two Students" by the Yellow Lantern is on the market today. This book reflects the observations of most ordinary young people in China through the observations of the families, studies, and employment of the students who have been teaching for more than ten years. Status and the most common growth path.

  The children of the second book are also worthy of attention

  "The media pays too much attention to key universities, and has never spoken to Erben students." Huang Deng said with some excitement. In those key universities, a small matter will attract strong attention, but 90% of children cannot go to 985 or 211. In universities, they need more attention.

  After graduating from Ph.D. Huang Deng, she entered a second university in Guangdong. Years have passed. When she looked through the list of reserved students, she was surprised to find that she had taught more than 4,500 students.

"I never thought that I would come into contact with a group and see the fate and fate of a group in the torrent of the times."

  She said that the children of the first two books were also born by their parents and were to do things for the country. "Can't they take up some media resources? Can't everyone focus on them?" Huang Deng recalled. I once told my students in class that the post-80s generation must tell their own stories and cannot wait for others to tell them.

Later, after teaching the post-90s, she said that the representative figures of the post-90s have not yet come out, so you should be good at expressing yourself.

Huang Deng usually encourages students to write about themselves, but not many students really persist.

  For more than ten years, Huang Deng has had a lot of trivial contacts with students, and it is more common to use the break time to chat quickly.

After students graduate, especially when they encounter survival difficulties, they often come back to look for yellow lights, so there is also a follow-up of their situation after graduation.

After deciding to write a book about students in 2015, Huang Deng conducted in-depth interviews with dozens of students and wrote down interview logs.

Huang Deng said: "Most of my students are of ordinary origin, either from unknown villages or from unremarkable towns. Behind them is a working mother, or a laid-off father, and siblings who are not yet adults. ."

  Huang Deng said, "My Two Students" is completely out of my heart, and the concentrated writing time is only more than a month.

"But I tried my best to avoid writing collections of student stories. Although I also wrote the stories and fate of students, I actually want to make the rationale behind them clear."

  The meek and silent students make people feel distressed

  "My Two Students" also embodies Yellow Lantern's observation and thinking.

Huang Deng said: "My students have developed a gentle and silent temperament without knowing it." She confessed that, especially in the last few sessions, the class was relatively quiet, the students were taking notes obediently, and the boys became more The more obedient, it even made her look distressed.

According to Huang Deng’s life experience, young people should be naughty and cute, and make a lot of mistakes, “I actually want them to twitter, even if they hit me, I’m very happy.”

  Huang Deng also discovered through her own observation that her students stepped into the school gate and found their own position without a teacher. They didn't have much ambition, and they never classified themselves as elites. They were content with ordinary destiny. , The thoughts held in my heart are nothing more than a decent job that my parents are looking forward to.

She said: "There are really very few students who strongly adhere to their spiritual ideals. Some will resist secularization, but there are no students who love music in the past and want to learn nothing."

  Yellow Lantern's thinking about students' fate is true and sincere.

She bluntly stated that in the hierarchical distribution of Chinese universities, universities at different levels have different destinations for students.

  Writing this book, Huang Deng has always silently compared his generation with those born in the 80s and 90s.

Huang Deng said that as a post-70s, he studied in 1992. Most of the people of that generation worked as a career and rarely changed mobility.

However, the 2006 post-80s students have been in the process of social change since they were young. They have adapted to and enjoyed the benefits of urbanization, such as the sharing of educational resources, the support of their parents’ work for their children’s educational investment, etc., but at the same time these children have also paid for The growth cost of long-term separation of parents.

The post-90s students of the 2015 grade have fully adapted to the mobile life. These students can no longer imagine a life without renting a house.

  Want to speak truthfully and emotionally

  "In fact, everyone can write like this, but there is no choice." Over the years, Huang Lan's writing has received eager attention from "A Rural Scenery in the Eyes of a Rural Daughter-in-law" to "My Two Students", and she said, This is actually closely related to her experience.

  After graduating from high school in 1992, Huang Deng went to a local college in Hunan. After graduation, she was assigned to a textile factory in Yueyang, which is the largest ramie textile factory in Asia.

In the beginning, everything was calm. Huang Deng worked as a secretary, accountant, and organization officer in this 5,000-person company. She has always liked writing and thinking about problems.

  Because of the downturn in the business, she went to the workshop to work as a worker in 1997 under the yellow light. In 1998, because the factory was deeply affected by the financial crisis in Hong Kong, she received limited orders. She couldn't even be a worker, so she was laid off.

But the same is laid-off, the yellow light can find a job again, can go to graduate school, but those workers have nowhere to go, and they can only receive a subsidy of tens of yuan a month.

Years later, Huang Deng often said to her students: "It doesn't matter if I didn't find a good job. I was laid off at the age of 23, which is worse than you guys."

  Huang Deng chose to take the postgraduate entrance examination. She was admitted to Wuhan University and later went to Sun Yat-Sen University for a PhD.

In the summer of 2003, she began to write unconsciously in front of the computer, and she typed out more than 200,000 words in a month, which she named "Details".

She found that she could write text other than thesis, and at the same time saw her writing direction, "I want to write to the bottom, I want to speak for them."

  Her evaluation of her writing is: truthful and emotional.

But Huang Deng said that when she wrote her second book, she deliberately controlled her feelings and didn't want to impair the rational thinking of the work because of excessive emotional rendering.