Liu Shishi's new drama focuses on the workplace

Whether it’s a realist drama or not, it remains to be observed

  Liu Shishi’s postpartum comeback debut, partnered with Zhu Yilong, Kan Qingzi "being a mother" for the first time, and Li Zefeng, who has been upgraded from a scumbag Xu Huanshan to "Sea King", the TV series "Dear Myself" was ready before the broadcast Proper explosive configuration.

However, there was a high-ranking reality drama series like "Thirty Only" before, and the pseudo-reality of "He Actually Doesn't Love You That So" came to the bottom. At present, the audience is full of expectations for "Dear Myself" to fall into evaluation The dilemma, whether it is a realist masterpiece or not, remains to be verified by the subsequent plot.

  Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point

  Reporter Song said

The workplace plot is sweet and salty

  Judging from the plot that has been updated so far, "Dear Myself" is still quite interesting in terms of the performance of the realistic theme.

"Dear Myself" focuses the camera on the daily lives of six 30-year-old men and women, and aims to present the living conditions of urban young people through three pairs of men and women in different marriages and relationships.

Li Siyu (played by Liu Shishi) met her boyfriend’s proposal during her career ascent. In the workplace, she also engaged in professional competition with the boss and master who brought him up. The collision between career and family, as well as the hard-won friendship and promotion in the workplace. The contradiction between job and salary increase, the double confusion of love and career, Li Siyu's general orientation can be attributed to the representative of urban dream-seeking youth.

  The housewife Zhang Zhizhi (played by Kan Qingzi) spends a lot of time in order for her child to go to aristocratic kindergarten. She has repeatedly humbled her relationship with her. She is neither understood by her husband Liu Yang (played by Peng Guanying) nor respected by the parents of the students. Family women set.

Ordinary people who want to live as Gu Jia in "Only Thirty" have a high probability of living as Zhang Zhizhi in this play. There are also practical problems such as education deviation, second child, mother-in-law relationship, etc., which are also mixed with husband and wife. In the relationship.

The work story of "Dear Myself" is heartbreaking, and the content of the family drama is also quite complicated.

  It is worth mentioning that when "Dear Myself" discusses the crisis that adult women encounter in the workplace and marriage, it does not portray the male image as flat and hateful.

Chen Yiming, played by Zhu Yilong, can be regarded as the epitome of contemporary office workers. Facing layoffs in the workplace, he will be dazzled by loyalty. In the play, "you talk to the company about your feelings, the company only talks about benefits", "you change jobs at the age of 30, and you can't make it." The lines have deeply pierced the viewers' hearts.

After barely resigning, Chen Yiming repeatedly bumped into the wall in the process of job hunting. The reality is just as full of real ideals.

Workplace, family, and dual perspectives of men and women, this drama has a lot to watch, and Chen Yiming, played by Zhu Yilong, has also become a more three-dimensional character in the drama.

Focus on female growth again

  "Dear Myself" does show real issues, and there are many floating places in the play, and some of the slogans about the workplace play are slightly clichéd.

As a sales manager, Li Siyu directly blocked the other party in the men's bathroom in order to see the customer. In this way, he recovered the running order and took 10 million more orders and was appreciated by the customer.

Such routines of blocking customers have appeared many times in many workplace dramas.

Judging from the line "Give me fifteen minutes, I can create five million benefits for you", the heroine elite has stood up, but it is a bit exaggerated.

  In terms of character setting, "Dear Myself" coincides with several recent dramas, and the topic of women's independent growth has become one of the focus of the drama.

The previous drama "He Doesn't Love You That So" forced the gender of men and women to be opposites. As the background and stimulus for women's independent growth, "Dear Myself" also forcibly split the thoughts of the characters, separating marriage and thinking independently. , And even create opposing views.

  In the play, Li Siyu's thinking is biased towards independent female thinking. Faced with the proposal ceremony carefully prepared by her boyfriend Chen Yiming, she frankly admits that she still needs time and is not ready, and she is a little at a loss.

Later when asked by friends and sister whether he accepted Chen Yiming’s proposal, Li Siyu said that he still had a lot to do, and he was afraid that marriage would affect his freedom.

The early plot conveyed the notion of fear of marriage that life will lose freedom after marriage. In addition, "Dear Self" is intended to show that you see reality and embrace yourself, so whether there is any sublimation in the later stage is not yet known. "Dear Self" is true Whether the realism theme is good or pseudo-realism, it remains to be observed later.

  As the first work of Liu Shishi's comeback, many audiences' expectations were filled early.

In "Dear Myself", Li Siyu, played by Liu Shishi, is vigorous and resolute in the workplace, with outstanding work ability. In her life, she is an independent and independent new-age woman who does not depend on her boyfriend.

In the scene of Li Siyu and Chen Yiming's coquettish in the car, Liu Shishi’s expression of "over-pretentiousness" is indeed a bit embarrassing. When facing her boyfriend’s job loss, she was considerate and gentle, and was evaluated by netizens a little too much. Girlishness".