Bleeding from the nose can start at any time and be really annoying.

Doctor Jimmy Mohamed explains to what they are due and what to do when they appear in the program "Sans Rendez-vous", Tuesday, on Europe 1.

Like Maxence, auditor of Europe 1, many have already experienced a nosebleed at an inopportune time.

And sometimes at regular intervals, not knowing what to do to stop them.

In the program

Sans Rendez-vous

, Tuesday, doctor Jimmy Mohamed looks at this common phenomenon which can have several causes and which should be treated well.

“Bleeding from the nose is one of the things that can happen. In the nose there are very shallow blood vessels, almost flush with the skin. All you need is a runny nose or an irritated nose for these vessels to crack. They are responsible for these nosebleeds.

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There may be other causes for this bleeding.

Peaks in hypertension particularly concern the elderly or patients who will take treatments such as anticoagulants, sometimes in overdose.

They may be victims of a runny nose, which requires treatment.

Should we be worried?

When it happens once spontaneously, it's not a big deal.

On the other hand, when it is repeated, it is obviously necessary to consult your doctor in charge of the slightest doubt, first of all.

You should also take a blood test to be sure you are not having a bleeding problem.

If all is well, head to the ENT.

With its small camera, it can watch what is happening in your nose vessels.

There is what is called a vascular stain which sometimes is too visible.

With a kind of scalpel, he will cauterize it to avoid having another bleeding.

What to do when someone has a nosebleed

When someone has a nosebleed, it is important not to put their head back, as the person will swallow and swallow the blood clots.

She will eventually vomit them up.

On the other hand, you must first blow your nose.

It sounds counterintuitive, but the clots must be evacuated since they are responsible for the bleeding.

Then you have to put your head tilted forward and pinch your nose with your finger and forefinger for ten minutes.

You have to time yourself.

If that doesn't work, we start over.

And you can possibly suck an ice cube.

It causes vasoconstriction of the vessels and can stop the bleeding.

Obviously, if it doesn't stop, you have to go to the doctor or emergency room.