“I will die in the Carpathians” by and with Antoine de Maximy -

Apollo Films

  • Antoine de Maximy tries his hand at fiction for "I will go to die in the Carpathians".

  • The result is hardly convincing.

  • His universe is better suited to documentaries than to fiction.

Antoine de Maximy has disappeared!

But beware, this is not for real.

Already the author of the sympathetic

J'irai va rire à Hollywood

, this is the first time that the creator of the popular show

I will go to sleep at home

 has launched into fiction.

In I

will die in the Carpathians 

, his recording goes wrong and he disappears.

Alice Pol as a devoted editor and Max Boulbil as a clumsy cop try to find out what could have happened to him.

“Throughout my broadcasts, I have already found myself in difficult situations, explains Antoine de Maximy in the press kit.

I imagined what could happen if things ended badly.

He therefore embroidered a scenario around his disappearance in Romania before financing his film via a participatory site and during a tour in France.

Alas, the genius picnic system does not adapt well to fiction.

20 Minutes

explains why the sauce does not set.

The natural has vanished at a gallop

The great pleasure of the show

I will go to sleep at home

is to discover the people that the host meets and the way in which he leads them to confide in him and to lodge him.

Antoine de Maximy is a past master in this field and if we can understand that he wanted to renew himself, the fiction goes against a concept which relies on the reality of situations and on the naturalness of the speakers.

What is funny and wacky in real life feels artificial when scripted.

Certain sequences, such as the one in which Antoine de Maximy has to grant sexual favors to a plump innkeeper, are downright painful and they sound so false.

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Hello everyone, I am continuing to travel the regions for the promo tour for my film.

There are still around fifty cities, and therefore around fifty opportunities to see it in preview!

You'll find a link in my bio to find the screening date closest to you.

See you soon !

#jiraimourirdanslescarpates #TousAuCinema # preview #tournee #cinema

A post shared by Antoine De Maximy (@antoinedemaximy) on Aug 6, 2020 at 2:27 am PDT

The plot struggles to convince

Antoine de Maximy wanted to create a keyed intrigue.

The editor must find clues on the recordings she recovered after the disappearance of the host.

"I also think that some spectators will return to see the film to see if these clues were really there", hopes Antoine de Maximy.

A bit like


in short, or even 

Blow Up

by Michelangelo Antonioni or 

Blow Out

by Brian de Palma, whose director is claimed in the press kit.

Not sure that we really want to see the heroine rummaging through her tapes.

The staging makes you dizzy

Antoine de Maximy has developed a system of mounted cameras allowing him to film himself at the same time as his interlocutors.

What goes very well on television is quickly painful on the big screen where shots that are too shaken make you dizzy or even slightly nauseated.

The scenes without him are quieter but we quickly tire of seeing the cop played by Max Boulbil fall from his scooter multiple times.

We are sorry, but

I will go to die in the Carpathians

is not up to the sympathy inspired by its author, nor the ambitions of the latter.




"I would go to die in the Carpathians": "If I don't shake myself, I will never do it", admits Antoine de Maximy


"I'll go and sleep at your place": Antoine de Maximy would go to sleep well in Iran

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