On September 8th, Sun Chuan, who was on the hot searched "construction site boy", came to Tsinghua University to report for "Working at the construction site before receiving the Tsinghua Admission Notice".

Growing up in a rural family in Mianning County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, he was admitted to Tsinghua University majoring in mechanics, aviation and power with a score of 675.

At the registration site, Sun Chuan, who entered the coveted campus, seemed very excited.

He told reporters that after his story was known, many caring people gave him encouragement, which made him very grateful.

He said that the reason for choosing mechanical, aviation and power majors is that he hopes to contribute to the motherland's satellite business in the future.

He is very longing for the life after enrollment. He hopes to join the guitar club and the English club while studying the professional courses and enrich his campus life.

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]