A few days ago, a 2-year-old girl Yanyan (pseudonym) in Xi'an was diagnosed with brucellosis. The hospital believed that this was related to Yanyan who had drunk milk from goats.

  According to local residents, "goat milk" on the streets of Xi'an has been around for many years.

Every day, a hawker drives a van or rides a three-wheeled motorbike to shuttle between the communities. There are two or three sheep on the cart. The milk is directly squeezed into plastic bottles for sale. The price is usually 5 yuan a catty.

  In addition, “goat milk now squeezed” is also sold online, and the shipping addresses of the merchants are shown in cities such as Hohhot in Inner Mongolia, Jieyang in Guangdong, Weinan in Shaanxi, etc. Some merchants have monthly sales of 500 pieces.

  On the 8th, a reporter from the Beijing News learned from the Xi’an Center for Disease Control and Prevention that there is indeed a risk of infection by directly drinking fresh milk from cows and goats, but as of now, there have been no other cases of infection in Xi’an except for the child.

  The salt and edible agricultural products supervision and management staff of the Xi'an Market Supervision Administration stated that after the above incidents, the Municipal Supervision Bureau has jointly issued a document with the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau to carry out investigations throughout the city, and investigate the source links of breeding and market sales. Strict supervision of links.

A confirmed case of a 2-year-old girl.

Video screenshot

2-year-old girl infected with "bru disease"

  A few days ago, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University admitted to a 2-year-old patient who suffered from “fever for 4 days and skin rash for 3 days”. The examination found that the patient was positive for brucella and was diagnosed with “brucellosis” (ie Bacillosis").

  Yanyan lives in the Lintong District of Xi'an. There are often vendors near the community holding sheep and milking goats to sell.

The child’s grandmother told the medical staff that she saw a lot of people buying, and heard that the goat’s milk that was just squeezed out was fresh and nutritious for digestion, so she bought it for the child...


  A pediatric medical staff member of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University told the Beijing News reporter that Yanyan had been feverish for many days when he first saw the doctor. During this period, he had an afebrile convulsion and convulsions and foaming at the mouth.

On September 5, Yanyan has been transferred to the Department of Infectious Diseases, Xi'an Children's Hospital.

  "The child's condition has improved when he was transferred, and he has not had a fever again." The above-mentioned medical staff said that so far, their department has not admitted any other children who contracted brucellosis from drinking fresh milk.

  Brucellosis is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by Brucella infection. It is a Class B infectious disease stipulated by my country's "Infectious Disease Control Law".

Diseased animals such as sheep and cattle are the main source of infection of brucellosis, which used to be common in pastoral areas.

  In early September, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University issued a document on WeChat public account stating that Brucella can be transmitted through damaged skin and mucous membranes, digestive tract and respiratory tract.

The early symptoms of children onset are not typical, and may only have fever symptoms, which are easily ignored by parents.

However, as long as the treatment is systematic and standardized, most of them can be cured completely.

  The hospital reminded that drinking fresh goat's milk has the risk of contracting "bruillosis". Don't buy fresh goat's milk from small vendors and vendors.

Only professional pasteurization or ultra-high temperature sterilization can effectively kill Brucella in milk.

"Now milking goats" on the streets of Xi'an.

Photo courtesy of respondents

"Goat Milk" on the streets of Xi'an

  According to local residents, "goat milk" on the streets of Xi'an has been around for many years.

  In Yinqiao Avenue, Lintong District, Xi’an, hawkers drive vans or ride three-wheeled motorcycles to shuttle between communities every day. Most of the hawkers are farmers raising sheep in the surrounding countryside. They carry two or three sheep on both sides of the car. Nailed to the wooden board, there are four big characters on the board-"Now milk the goat".

  Local resident Qi Weixing said that the price of goat milk is generally 5 yuan a catty. After someone confirmed the purchase, the hawker held an empty plastic bottle in one hand and held the goat’s teat with the other hand and squeezed the milk into the bottle. Pass it directly to the customer.

  Ms. Gu is a resident of Xigou Village in Lintong District.

She mentioned that the elders in the family often follow the community’s aunts to buy fresh goat milk. “Vendors come almost every day. My mother buys it every other week. She sometimes recommends it to people who have never drunk it, saying that the baby drinks raw milk. That's great".

  Following the “fresh”, “pure”, “nutritious” and “additive-free” labels on the ewe, the aunts in the community recommended each other. Ms. Gu mentioned that some residents eat directly after purchase, and some residents heat it slightly Or drink it after boiling.

  After the incident aroused attention, the "live goat milk" on the local street was not affected much.

Qi Weixing lives near the Shanshui Qintang Community in Lintong District. In the past two days, he discovered that there were hawkers selling "goat milk" at the door of the community.

  "There are still many residents buying. They think fresh raw milk has the best nutrition. Few people will question whether the milker has a health certificate or whether the sheep is healthy." Qi Weixing said.

"Goat Milk" promoted by online stores.

webpage Screenshot

Online sellers: delivery now

  A reporter from the Beijing News searched many home appliance vendors and found that "goat milk now" is also sold online. The delivery addresses of the vendors are shown in cities such as Hohhot in Inner Mongolia, Jieyang in Guangdong, and Weinan in Shaanxi. Some vendors have monthly sales of 500 pieces.

  On the product homepage displayed by the merchant, first is a video of a group of goats eating grass. The next picture is a transparent plastic bottle filled with milky white liquid. The bottle body has no packaging logo. The words "fresh goat milk, zero addition, original The original flavor is now delivered."

  There is a slight difference in price due to the type of goat and the processing of goat milk.

For each bottle of 250 ml, the price of current milk is 9.9 yuan per bottle, the price of black goat milk is 11.9 yuan per bottle, and the pasteurized goat’s milk also costs 11.9 yuan per bottle.

  A merchant mentioned that their goat's milk is squeezed by workers. Except for the goat's milk labeled "Pasteurized", the others have not been sterilized.

The goat's milk sold is milked in the morning, frozen at minus 40 degrees, shipped in the evening, refrigerated transportation, and promised to arrive fresh within 48 hours.

  Buyer Tian Xin (a pseudonym) often makes online purchases to milk goats.

According to her introduction, she usually buys it on a monthly basis because she agrees with the commercial slogans of "zero addition" and "authentic".

  Tian Xin said that what she likes most is the strong milk flavor of goat milk after boiling and the floating layer of milk skin. "Of course, the milk flavor will also be mixed with some other flavors, similar to the smell of sheep, but it is more It can prove its original flavor, and only by accepting it can you enjoy this nutrition."

  A reporter from the Beijing News noticed that "boiling and drinking" is marked by online merchants, and the details pages of many products say "How to eat: boil until boiling."

A merchant reminded that although the goat milk is fresh, but because it has not undergone any processing, "there are still bacteria remaining, and it must be boiled and drunk."

Street vendors squeeze goat milk into plastic bottles.

Photo courtesy of respondents

Xi'an Disease Control: Drinking freshly milked goat's milk is indeed at risk of infection

  On September 8, a staff member of the Xi'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention told a reporter from the Beijing News that there is a risk of infection by directly drinking fresh milk from cows and goats, but as of now, there are no other cases of infection in Xi'an except for the young child.

  The salt and edible agricultural products supervision and management staff of the Xi'an Market Supervision Administration stated that after the above incidents, the Municipal Supervision Bureau has jointly issued a document with the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau to carry out investigations throughout the city, and investigate the source links of breeding and market sales. Strict supervision of links.

  In addition, on July 31 this year, the Xi’an Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued a document through an official official account stating that the consumption of unsterilized dairy products or even raw milk in pursuit of the so-called original ecology has become the cause of children’s infection with brucellosis. Common way.

  As mentioned in the above article, studies have confirmed that there are nearly 100 pathogenic bacteria hidden in unprocessed fresh cow and goat milk. The diseases that are transmitted to humans through cow and goat milk include tuberculosis, brucellosis, typhoid and paratyphoid, coliform, There are as many as 16 species including salmonellosis.

  A reporter from the Beijing News found that the production process of goat milk should refer to the "Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Milk Quality and Safety" promulgated by the state.

The regulations stipulate that those directly engaged in milking work should hold a valid health certificate.

In addition, the dairy products produced should be sterilized by pasteurization, high temperature sterilization, ultra high temperature sterilization or other effective methods.

Related cases have appeared in many places across the country

  A reporter from the Beijing News combed and found that it is not the first time that brucellosis has occurred due to drinking raw milk. There have been related cases across the country.

  In 2016, Ms. Zhang, a citizen of Dalian, Liaoning, and her 8-year-old son began to have a fever. After being checked in the hospital, they were told that they were suffering from brucellosis. It turned out that the mother and son had always been drinking fresh goat milk. Cause bacterial infection.

  The local media mentioned in the report that reporters in residential areas and around the farmer’s market often pull a few live sheep and sell goat milk on the spot. There are so many people who are “fresh”, but they don’t realize it. Health risks of the head.

  In 2016, a 6-year-old girl in Hebei was admitted to the hospital for treatment with symptoms such as low-grade fever, sweating, and cough, and was eventually diagnosed with brucellosis.

It was suspected that it was caused by drinking contaminated goat milk, because the child was frail and sick since he was a child. I heard that goat milk is good for the frail child, so he bought goat milk for the child since he was a child.

  In 2019, a pair of brothers in Fuzhou had a "cold" and a high fever. They were only found to have contracted "bruillosis" after moving to a number of hospitals, mainly because they had drank fresh goat milk for more than a month.

  On August 3 this year, Shaanxi CDC published a related article on “You can’t drink raw milk.” The article stated that there have been many brucella infections caused by raw cow and goat milk in Shaanxi recently and warned consumers not to drink without quarantine. Fresh cow and goat milk.

  Reporter Haiyang intern Bo Qiyu