Total salary in July: Average 369,000 yen per person for 4 consecutive months minus 8:33 on September 8

This is the average salary per worker in July, which was 369,000 yen, 1.3% lower than the same period last year, and was negative for the fourth consecutive month.

Although the negative range has become smaller, the effects of the new coronavirus are expected to continue.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is conducting a "Monthly Labor Survey" targeting more than 30,000 business establishments nationwide with 5 or more employees, and announced the preliminary figures for July 8th.

According to this, the average cash salary per worker, including basic salary and overtime pay, was 369,551 yen on average in July.

This is a decrease of 1.3% compared to the same month last year and has been negative for the fourth consecutive month.

Due to shorter working hours, non-scheduled salaries such as overtime pay have decreased in particular, at 16,317 yen, down 16.6% from the same month last year.

By industry, non-scheduled salaries dropped sharply in the entertainment industry, lodging and food service industry, and so on.

Real wages, which reflect fluctuations in prices, were 1.6% lower than the same month last year, and have been negative for the fifth consecutive month.

On the other hand, the negative amount of total salary, non-scheduled salary, real wage, etc. compared to last year is smaller than in May, which was the most serious.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, "although it improved slightly in June and July, it is still serious and the effect of the new coronavirus continues."