Related to the digestive system ... main signs that a child has "Corona"

British researchers have concluded that two symptoms may be one of the main signs of infection in children with the emerging coronavirus.

According to the British newspaper, "The Guardian", the symptoms of Corona in children include diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal cramps, after it was limited to only three symptoms: a high temperature, a persistent cough, and a loss or change in the sense of smell or taste.

The study was conducted on about 990 children between April 6 and July 3, as they took a blood sample that was tested for antibodies to the Corona virus, and data was also collected about whether they had any symptoms.

The team found that 68 children had antibodies to the disease, indicating that they had been infected with the disease while only half of them reported having experienced its symptoms.

There were some common symptoms: 31% of the 68 children reported having a fever, 18% reported headaches, 19% reported gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal cramps, while loss of smell or taste was reported only 4%. from children.

"Diarrhea and vomiting were more common than coughing or even changes in the sense of smell and taste," said Dr. Tom Waterfield, study team leader.

He continued, "If you really want to diagnose infection in children, you have to make sure that there are symptoms of digestive disorders, such as diarrhea and vomiting, and not only symptoms of upper respiratory problems."

Waterfield added, "Relying on the three currently recognized symptoms will determine 76% of cases of the disease in children, but if gastrointestinal symptoms are added to the list of symptoms, this number will increase to 97%."