Preparing for approaching Typhoon No. 10 Landing work on fishing boats Saga Ariake Sea September 4 12:12

In preparation for the approach of Typhoon No. 10, at the fishing port in Saga City facing the Ariake Sea, fishermen and others have been working on the boat from the morning of the 4th to prevent the ship from being washed away and damaged.

At the Togari fishing port in the southern part of Saga city, around 7 am on the 4th, about 20 people, including fishermen, began the work of landing a fishing boat in the cove of the port.

According to a person involved in the fishing industry, on the 2nd when Typhoon 9 approached, many fishing boats were already tied to the shore with ropes, but the tide level at high tide was much higher than expected, and some vessels were Drifted.

Since the ship will be damaged if it hits the quay, in preparation for Typhoon No. 10, which is expected to approach with fierce power, we decided to move all ships that can be carried out to an emergency evacuation site on land. It means that

Twenty-one ships were planned to be unloaded on the 4th, and the fishermen cooperated to hoist the ships with a crane and carefully placed them on the truck bed.

According to the local fishery cooperative, it has been the last 10 years for a major ship to land before a typhoon.

"I'm worried because the next typhoon seems to be terrible. The work is tough, but I will prepare for the safe ship as soon as possible," said a fisherman who worked on the work.