[Poverty Alleviation Story] Children of Yi nationality in Daliang Mountain carry the flag of Young Pioneers to school together

  On September 3, in Jinyang County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, Azi Rixi, a third grader, carried the Young Pioneers team flag on a small bamboo pole, and brought the younger students Bai Lige, Azi Rifa, and Bai Lige. Only Bo go to school.

The children depart from their homes in Jishilikou Village, Tiandiba Town at 8 o'clock in the morning, and it takes about 40 minutes to walk to the school.

Because of the need to walk along the road, children often go to school together with older children for safety reasons.

This Young Pioneers team flag is the logo of this school team.

It is understood that many mountainous schools in Liangshan adopt this method to let children go to school safely.

In the fight against poverty, Liangshan tried his best to improve the level of compulsory education, and the problem of dropout due to poverty was basically solved.

(Edited by Zhang Lang and Shaoqing Zeng Chen)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]