Announcement of a report summarizing measures to prevent recurrence of a child abuse case Saitama Inacho September 1, 20:42

In Ina-cho, Saitama Prefecture, the 4-year-old eldest daughter was abused and left in the corridor at home to die of hypothermia, and her parents were charged with the death of the chief protection officer. Has verified the issues related to the response at the time, published a report summarizing measures to prevent recurrence.

In Ina Town, Saitama Prefecture, in December 2017, Shin Iwai, who was 4 years old at the time, died of hypothermia at home, and his parents added abuse to his heart, such as assault and dietary restrictions, and then in the corridor of his home. He was accused of lethal abandonment and death as protection officer.

In response to the incident, the town, children's counseling center, and the council formed by the police, etc. verified the correspondence of the town at that time and published the report on the 1st.

Among these are issues such as the fact that the town did not cooperate with child guidance centers and police, and that the town lacked staff with specialized qualifications and the system was insufficient.

After that, if you grasp the case of suspected abuse, hold a meeting and respond as an organization, share information with related organizations and decide support policy, assign staff with specialized knowledge, etc. is showing.

A member of the council, Kenji Kojima, Health and Welfare Supervisor of Ina Town, said, "We would like to strengthen the response such as watching over the children in cooperation with other organizations based on the report."