5 minutes

Uncirculated facts

Abdullah Al-Qamzi


August 30, 2020

The United Nations issued a report indicating the occurrence of huge increases in the world's population during the last 100 years, which led to increased pressures on nature and its resources, and these two parallel factors have unquestionably caused outbreaks of diseases and epidemics in humans.

The report points to an increase in demand for animal protein as a major reason for the emergence of new diseases, and the language of numbers says that meat production has grown in the past 50 years to 260%, milk production increased 90%, and eggs more than 340%, and at the same time the consumption of plant foods increased in parallel with World population increase.

The high demand for animal food was accompanied by tremendous pressures on industries that depend on the environment of animals, the intensification of agricultural production, and to reduce the costs, the animal food industries have become close to cities, and some of them do not take into account any safety measures.

From the 1940's to today, animal food production processes have had 50% of zoonotic diseases transmitted to humans. This happened due to poorly managed process, overuse of antibiotics to hide diseases in the animal, and it is part of commercial fraud.

The report also referred to the misuse of wildlife, such as hunting for entertainment purposes, the depletion of wildlife by eating animal meat unfit for human consumption, and the seizure of organisms for the purpose of trafficking or for use in zoos.

There is another reason, which is the movement of humans to inhabit the animal environment, including the establishment of infrastructure, transportation and everything that helps humans to exploit nature. The report expands on this point to state that when wild animals become scarce, humans switch to breeding them outside their environment, meaning while in captivity, and this leads to the development of zoonotic diseases.

Everything that leads to the formation of links between the human and animal worlds contributes to the transmission of viruses from the second world to the first, and the more transportation, trade and industry increases, diseases spread around the world.

And the more transportation means slower and lag, the slower the spread of diseases and the stability in specific regions of the world, and this is the reason why diseases do not emerge from certain regions. A person who fell ill on a ship or a convoy 1000 years ago often did not transmit the disease to the final destination because he was cured or died before his arrival.

Today, people infected in China may not show symptoms until they settle in the final destination country.

It is very easy to follow the stories of cosmic conspiracies on social media, and to accuse Bill Gates of creating the virus, because this explanation is the easiest for narrow minds, no one paid any attention to the above report, and did not circulate in the media despite it being the truth.

Most of us were born half a century ago, do not know what happened before that, and do not read about industrial history, but they are ready to say: This has never happened in human history .. it must be a conspiracy!


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