[Explanation] On August 29th, Beijing Elementary and Secondary Schools celebrated the first day of school in the fall. The first grade of primary school, the first grade, the third grade, the first grade, the second grade and the third grade of high school start first. At 7:30 in the morning, the reporter saw at Fengtai No. 2 Middle School in Beijing that the students arrived at the school in different time periods. After taking their temperature, they were divided into classes under the guidance of the teacher.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Yanxiang, Junior One Student of Fengtai Second Middle School, Beijing

  Now I am in a more happy and full state, because so many new classmates will have different new challenges, waiting for us to explore and discover.

  [Concurrent] Peng Hong, vice principal of Beijing Fengtai No. 2 Middle School

  Because there are more grades (starting school and returning to school), we ask the teachers to go into the corridor between classes and give some guidance to the students. One is to prevent students from going to the corridor and class at will. The frequency of disinfection will be high, and we still insist on morning and afternoon checks (measure body temperature).

  [Explanation] Starting at 8:30 in the morning, the school held an opening ceremony for each grade. Principal He Shiming introduced that due to the large number of returning students, the school will implement unit management in order to avoid crowds.

  [Concurrent] He Shiming, Principal of Fengtai No. 2 Middle School, Beijing

  From the perspective of prevention and control, it is a unitary prevention and control, with one opening ceremony for each grade. The same goes for sports activities, and the same goes for meals. For example, our new high school and new junior high school still dine in the classroom, while other grades eat in batches, with grades as a unit (in the restaurant).

  [Commentary] In addition, in order to help freshmen adapt to campus life as soon as possible, the school will conduct a three-day enrollment education.

  [Concurrent] He Shiming, Principal of Fengtai No. 2 Middle School, Beijing

  We mainly carry out some epidemic prevention knowledge, life education, ideal education, patriotism (education), etc., to familiarize these new children with the school.

  [Explanation] Previously, the new course learning for the third grade of senior high school has been completed online. In order to achieve a good connection between online and offline teaching, the school will formulate a personalized teaching plan based on the students' online learning results, and do a good job of checking for omissions and filling vacancies.

  [Concurrent] Ma Lei, Director of Curriculum Development Center of Fengtai Second Middle School, Beijing

  Within 1 to 2 weeks, learn about the problems that students have in their online teaching process, and develop targeted teaching plans. In the end, we actually rely on the lesson preparation group to make a collective lesson preparation after taking out the common problems and individual problems, and do a good job of the bridging course for each class.

  [Explanation] According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, the rate of myopia among students increased by 11.7% in the first half of 2020. In this regard, the school will take targeted measures to guide students to love and protect their eyes.

  [Concurrent] Peng Hong, vice principal of Beijing Fengtai No. 2 Middle School

  (After school starts) We ask students to do eye exercises seriously. All teachers must not delay the get out of class. The teachers dismiss classes according to the points and remind the children to look far and protect their eyesight.

  Lang Jiahui Du Yan reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: 【Qi Bin】