5 minutes

The principle of treaties in Islam

Dr.. Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Al-Haddad

August 28, 2020

Islam is a religion and a state, it was concerned with the interests of the world as it was concerned with the interests of religion alike, so its texts and purposes legitimized both the religion and the world together, while giving a large space for the guardian in which to adjust the conditions of his parish and his nation according to the requirements of the interests that are legally considered, as indicated by his saying, peace be upon him: You are more aware of your worldly matter. ”

There is no way to stabilize peace except for safety and non-aggression pacts that enable people to coexist and be preoccupied with what is good for them.

Hence the divine commands in peace and war directed to the Prophet ordered peace be upon him as the Great Imam and inspirational captain, says to him, for example: )oan incline to peace, incline to it and trust in God, He is the Hearing A'er(, he says: )ala who ye of the infidels and then not You are deficient in something and did not appear to you anyone, so you fulfilled their covenant until their term. Indeed, God loves the Muslims and the Prophet, the Prophet, and peace be upon them. And that he has a full consideration of that, for he is the one who entered into the treaty with the polytheists of different tribes, and with the Jews and Christians of different sects, indicating that the matter of treaties and agreements is in the view of the guardian who is entrusted with the theory of interests sent to the ummah, and the order of priorities of the legitimate policy was granted to him. There is no disagreement about it among the Muslim scholars, and they established a legal basis for that which they called the Sharia policy, and they compiled special books in this regard, as did Imam al-Mawardi T 450 AH in the Sultani Rulings, and my parents Ali Farra T 458 AH in the Sultani Rulings, and Abu al-Ma’ali Abdul Malik al-Juwaini T 478 AH in Ghayath nations and the legacy of injustice, And Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyyah d. 728 AH in Sharia policy in reforming the shepherd and the parish, and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya d. 751 AH in the ruling methods in Sharia policy and many others, and their words do not differ in that the legal policy is in the hands of the ruler. Based on what God Almighty has enacted in the words of His Messenger, may blessings and peace be upon him, as he attributed treaties to him and led to their abrogation.

If a Muslim knew the charters of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, and his treaties with the various sects, he would realize that they came to the Muslims with all good. This is the Hudaybiyya peace, which was bitter in the hearts of Muslims, his punishment became rational, as he was the clear conquest of Mecca, and therefore the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was more keen on him with His ability to forcibly conquer Makkah at that time, but with the permissibility of the Kaaba and the Sacred House, and he only wants to open it in peace and harmony, so he said: “By whom my soul is in his hand, they do not ask me for a plan in which they honor the sanctities of God unless I give it to them.” And before that, the document of Medina and its newspaper, which was at the front of Medina; Because it was the cornerstone of building the state without any obstacles mentioned, and between them are the treaties with the Arab tribes around the city in which the capital of the state and his nation were secured from the great crowds, and all of this was a niche of peace and compassion that is the root of his call, peace be upon him, and this is an inevitable result of reconciliation and reconciliation as he said God, may He be glorified, remembers him, “And reconciliation is good.” For there is no peace and blame in it for the absorption of sex, so there is no reconciliation, even if reluctantly, but its consequence is good and blessing, and whoever refuses to reconcile, he regrets having missed a great regret, and there is no way to stabilize peace except for safety treaties and non-aggression , Which enables people to coexist and be preoccupied with what is good for them.

Those prophetic treaties were a radical change to the Arab way of life that was based on devotion, plunder, and the eating of the strong and the weak, so the fierce war was based on a camel or fear of a camel, and it would last for 40 years, not for a stated purpose, but for a tribe that appeared, and all of this was contrary to the law of God Almighty , Because he created his servants for his monotheism, his worship and the architecture of the earth, not to spoil it, as is the situation of the ummah today in terms of devotion and destruction, and that is when people are far from the approach of God Almighty that He prescribed for them and urged them to it.

And while the leadership in the United Arab Emirates revived this prophetic approach that allowed peace in agreement with the Israelis on peace and restored what could be restored from the looted rights that the Arabs together were unable to recover anything from by force; It is considered a revival of the methodology of the prophethood, whose treaties brought the benefits of the Muslim community.

«Senior Muftiin Director of the Ifta Department in Dubai»

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