Despite the fact that the US request for sanctions against Iran was not openly supported by almost all members of the Security Council, except for the small Dominican Republic, which has long been following the United States, US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Kelly Kraft has made traditional criticism exclusively of Russia and China.

“Russia and China are triumphant at this Council's inability to make decisions,” she said. - The Trump administration is not afraid to be in a small company on this issue. But we regret that other members of this Council went astray and found themselves in the company of terrorists. "

It looks like we are facing a historic US fiasco. After all, not only Russia and China, but also the EU countries categorically did not support the American sanctions initiative. The US response is, of course, amazing: "We are sorry that other members of this Council have gone astray and found themselves in the company of terrorists." The computer got stuck, the program crashed, the artificial intelligence was unable to give the correct answer.

That is, it turns out that, according to the US, the overwhelming majority of the UN Security Council member states are cruelly unreasonable and have taken the side of evil and terror. And among them in some incredible way were the so-called civilized countries of Europe. And only the USA, as described in the best traditions of Hollywood, in the image of a lonely hero - a fighter for peace and justice - is fighting against villains and saving unreasonable humanity.

The picture of what is happening in the world has long begun to take on a cartoon character, but the United States does not notice this. Apparently, this is some kind of professional deformation of the state level, burnout on a national scale.

And this, by the way, is a didactic example of how we should all be attentive to ourselves and our own actions and reactions, so that ultimately we do not lose touch with reality, finding ourselves in the individual space. This happens to everyone, and, as it turns out, even to entire countries.

What happened to Europe? What's up with the world? Why did 13 out of 15 completely different countries voted against the US proposal for sanctions against Iran? Is the world gradually waking up?

At the same time, let me remind you that the United States withdrew from the JCPOA on the Iranian nuclear program in 2018 and, accordingly, lost at least any right to return sanctions against Iran, not being a party to the agreement.

This, by the way, is the formal side of the issue and the fact according to which the United States, in theory, should have cooled its ardor.

So on what basis are they submitting proposals for new sanctions to the UN Security Council now, two years after they have lost the right to do so? It turns out that they act according to concepts, and not according to the law? This is a new word in international law. Although, of course, not, it is no longer new, but, thank God, at the moment not all legal mechanisms of international interaction have been trampled on, and countries that need peace, not war, have room for maneuver.

I think the point is that the domestic situation in the United States is already beginning to bear fruit at the international level. Protests, which are escalating more and more severely and create all the conditions for the start of a civil war. Indistinct fermentation on the eve of the elections. Extreme instability and serious problems in the economy and much more - all this could not but knock down yesterday's self-confident hegemon. And the satellites, who were usually in the wings, could not help but notice.

Akela missed - and the fruits were not long in coming. This is how the metaphysics of the process is explained quite simply. What will be the next US move? Overcome and accustomed to acting, guided exclusively by his own interests and trampling on the interests of anyone else, the master of the world will not immediately be able to get used to the fact that the situation is changing. For a while, there will be attempts to act out of inertia, unceremoniously, marching over their heads. But the missed old wolf is a picture that, of course, surprises, amazes, and is remembered. It is an impulse that has already been launched and which will become increasingly difficult to resist over time. The former leader of the pack, losing strength and power, is a situation that many will want to take advantage of - this has happened more than once in history.

On the eve we witnessed a historic event. Let's hope this is not the only positive outcome for us in the second half of 2020. Not the only one, but very memorable. Who could have imagined something like this six months ago? But this year is full of unpredictable events, and in this case it is a rare positive. This means that everything is possible, and even the most impossible. And this, of course, is encouraging.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.