Ghanaian broadcaster Sam Ochwiri has been controversial over sexual harassment due to comments written in the past. When the atmosphere heated up, he deleted his SNS.

Sam Ochwi-ri posted a photo of actress Park Eun-hye on her SNS in March last year and wrote, "Sister, we are Orange Caramel." The two in the picture were wearing orange costumes.

It "can not come back to go once a cute African American" is present netizens (Cute once you go black you never go back) has left a comment, Sam Okyere has left an article entitled 'preach' "vs. comments

netizens are The word'preach' was not glanced at the choice of the word, because while'preach' means to preach at churches or meetings, it also means'to agree'.
Over this, opinions poured over whether he was sexually harassing Park Eun-hye. On the other hand, there were few reactions that were excessive interpretation.

Although this post has been uploaded for over a year, the controversy has expanded as it spread through online communities. Sam Ochwiri shut down SNS as if conscious of the controversy.

One of the trivial comments I wrote in the past led to Gapron Eulbak because of the recent accusation of Sam Ochwi-ri, one of the graduation pictures of Uijeongbu high school students, as racist parody of the ‘Pop Boy Scouts’ parody.

The pros and cons of Sam Ochuri, who interpreted parody culture according to racism, were right, and the controversy heated up over the days.

Afterwards, it seemed to be settled with the apology of Sam Ochuri, but in a recent interview with the BBC, "Korea has no opportunity to encounter Africa. It does not understand the cultures of various African countries."

Once the ugly hair is hit by the public, even small words and actions tend to be expanded and interpreted. In particular, some point out that it is too much to criticize the past SNS.

Some netizens are even asking for the drop-off of'Korean Foreigners', where Sam Ochwi-ri is appearing. In response to this, the production team has stated that it is "confirming (the controversy)."   

(SBS funE reporter Jihye Kim)