Chinanews, August 25. Recently, CCTV special program "Heroes in the Poster" released the classic anti-Japanese film "Yellow Bridge Decisive Battle" and "Taihang Mountain" movie long pictures. It is reported that these two films will have brand new in the program. Deduction.

Image source: video screenshot

  The movie "Yellow Bridge Decisive Battle" mainly tells the glorious history of winning more with less, showing the solidarity of the military and civilians. As can be seen from the official movie picture, the program team invited Zhu Yawei, the grandson of Zhu Luxian, who witnessed the "Yellow Bridge Decisive Battle" event, to come to the scene to tell everyone the story of sticking to the Yellow Bridge.

  In the movie "Yellow Bridge Decisive Battle", the military-civilian couple Chang Gensheng and Shui Mei is unforgettable. In order to protect the motherland and relatives, Gensheng finally died on the battlefield of Huangqiao. "The Hero in the Poster" thus extends the sitcom "Memorial of the Yellow Bridge", telling a simple love story between Lanzi, a commoner living in Huangqiao, and Shunzi, the industrious and brave owner of the Huangqiao biscuits shop. Lanzi has been waiting for Shunzi, who fell on the yellow bridge, to come back all his life.

  The program team chose Zhang Tianai to play the young Lanzi. Zhang Tianai said in an interview: "Although I play an ordinary person in Huangqiao, there are also big heroes in the short story." The old Lanzi played by actor Shi Ke , She carefully considered every action and every line. She said: "I want to clarify the cause and effect of this story. I have gone through every detail in my mind. Once I say it, I have already empathized, so that I can show the delicate sense of communication."

Wu Lei (middle)

  In another long picture of the movie "On the Taihang Mountain", sitting in the middle chair is the director of "On the Taihang Mountain" Wei Lian. After interviews with reporters, it was learned that director Wei Lian was in poor health, but he still managed to overcome various illnesses. Undertaking this task, he wanted to leave a true and unforgettable history of the War of Resistance for his descendants.

  The program team created "Unsung Hero" based on the content of the film. Wu Lei, a young actor born in the 90s who played Xiao Lei, said frankly: "I'm very nervous. I have never been exposed to such themes and roles before. I have a lot of pressure, but I will feel it with other performance teachers and seniors. I hope the performance will be better."