Freshmen, collect this "University Life Strategy"

[First Step in University]

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  After passing the college entrance examination, another group of freshmen are about to enter the university campus. Here, they will face a life and learning environment that is completely different from that of high school. They will have more choices, a bigger stage, and a wider field of vision. They will also encounter troubles and confusions that they have never had in life before.

  How to take the first step in university? How to study in university to live up to your youth? This newspaper has launched the "First Step to a Good University" column today, through questionnaire surveys and other forms to comprehensively sort out the worries, confusion, anxiety or worries of college freshmen when they are about to embark on a new journey in life, from academic development, interpersonal communication, and psychology. From the perspectives of adjustment and career planning, freshman class teachers, professional course teachers, counselors, seniors, senior elder sisters, and dormitory teachers are invited to answer questions and provide the most targeted and operable "University Life Strategy" for freshmen.

  What can you do to meet a better self on a university campus? This has become a question mark in the hearts of many freshmen.

  "University freshmen, I want to ask you a few questions." Recently, Guangming Daily's Ministry of Education·Guangming Micro Education launched an online survey and solicitation of questions for freshmen. Concerned about professional studies, worried about the dormitory relationship, and longing for love on campus... Each message was filled with youthful rhythm and anxiety of choice.

  We invited the freshman class teacher, professional course teacher, counselor, dormitory teacher and seniors to talk about their first year of university and tell you what a beautiful and fulfilling university life is.

The freshman class teacher said: Don’t hold back when you encounter problems, learn to ask and ask

  "University is a process, and each stage has different problems. When it comes to the freshman year, it is mainly manifested in the adjustment of life and study." It is the third time that Yu Chao, a teacher at the College of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, has served as a freshman. The teacher in charge. In his opinion, the speed of adjustment directly affects how students spend the entire university. "For example, in learning, universities need the ability to learn independently, but some children are more accustomed to being supervised. If they are more introverted and less willing to communicate, they will be at a loss and fall into slack. University courses It’s more difficult for you to try to exert your strength one after another.” Yu Chao said.

  Yu Chao said frankly that the freshman year itself is a process of continuous trial and error and adjustment. It is necessary to establish a mentality of "no problem is not terrible": "From school to college, major, class teacher, counselor, from the perspective of personal academic and economic There is a comprehensive protection system for help and psychological counseling. Don’t hold back your classmates when they have problems, don’t cry and call your parents, but find a reasonable way to find someone to solve the problem. "

  "Stepping into a university campus is a small society. It is a process of'weaving a net'. Learning to weave a learning network and a network of interpersonal relationships." Yu Chao gave two suggestions on how to find the right person. Ask and learn to inquire. First, students are willing to communicate with their peers, find more peers, and listen to more opinions. There is more than one life track. You need to learn to identify and choose opinions that suit you. Don’t just ask peers, but also find the right person in charge, such as professional class teachers, counselors, and class teachers. They have more experience and may look at the problem more thoroughly and give advice from different perspectives.”

The professional teacher said: plan your daily life and do everything possible to explore in depth

  How to select courses reasonably, how to adapt to professional study, what to do if you fail to take a course... A large part of freshmen's confusion is concentrated on professional study.

  "University life is wonderful, but academic majors are still the foundation for most students to base themselves on society in the future. Everyone must plan every day's life." Wang Chang, deputy director of the Experimental Center of the Artificial Intelligence College of Tianjin University of Science and Technology, suggested that in terms of professional learning Freshmen should establish a concept from "wide" to "precise" and from "horizontal" to "vertical". "For academics and interests, they must do everything possible to explore in depth, learn intensively, and be realistic. I don’t know how to do it and how to go deep. You can start from participating in and preparing for important subject competitions, you can start from entering the tutor’s laboratory to do miscellaneous tasks, you can start from actively participating in all academic reports and the exchange of speakers, you can start from going to the library to related professional courses You can start by reading books more than three times, you can start by asking every teacher in charge of knowledge points that you are interested in or do not understand, and you can even start from communicating with a student master."

  "For long-term career planning, we must broaden our horizons, combine social practice, academic study, extensive reading, student activities and other diverse and vivid practices, and gradually find a meeting point that fits personal interests and is closely related to social development. This is the basis for early implementation. Career planning, dynamic optimization of career planning." Wang Chang said.

Counselor said: Cultivating independent learning and independent living ability is a required course in university

  I failed the college entrance examination and did not enter my ideal university; the major I am currently studying is adjusted, which I do not like; I am very worried about the new environment after the school starts, and I don’t know how to get along with everyone... During the process of soliciting questions, "frustration" Become a lingering mood of some freshmen.

  "Regardless of whether you are about to enter your ideal school or major, as long as you enter the campus, you must forget about yourself and start again." Li Yan, a counselor at the School of Artificial Intelligence at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, suggested, "Universities and middle schools have great Differences. It is a challenge for everyone to learn a professional class that has never been encountered before, and to leave the warm embrace of their parents for the first time to live a collective life. It is a challenge for everyone. I hope that students will not be immersed in past success or failure, and adapt as soon as possible new environment."

  In Li Jun’s view, independent learning and independent living are very important: "University is not as easy as students think. Faced with thick textbooks, unintelligible professional terms, and rapid teaching progress, everyone may experience a little Frustration. This is a problem that most students will encounter. Please don’t worry. It is a compulsory course for everyone to cultivate the ability to learn and live independently in the university. The more excellent people work harder, the harder they work, the more lucky they are. I hope classmates As we grow up, we can always meet a better self."

  In this process, he also hopes that his classmates can learn to understand and be tolerant: "University students come from all corners of the world, and everyone has different personalities and family backgrounds. Students will inevitably encounter some problems and conflicts in the process of getting along day and night. , I hope everyone can think in another place, think twice before acting. If you have any problems that cannot be solved, you can contact your counselor at any time. For you, a pleasant learning and living environment is also very important."

Suguan teacher said: Learn to use school resources and actively integrate into campus life

  An important scene of college life is the "dormitory". Here, freshmen will meet roommates who have to get along with each other for four years, they will face a new living environment, and they may also encounter life frictions they have never imagined.

  "From high school to university, the new living environment and lifestyle will allow many new students to have a process of continuous adaptation and adjustment." According to Xie Chen, deputy director of the Student Apartment District Affairs Division of the Student Community Center of Tsinghua University, apart from academic challenges In addition, freshmen are also facing new problems and challenges in their life and social interactions. "For example, in life, in addition to some freshmen who have lived in school, many freshmen have much room for improvement in independent living. How to clean the dormitory and how to wash personal clothes requires a strong ability to live independently. Some freshmen will also encounter problems such as unaccustomed water and soil and poor eating habits. In terms of social interaction, the university will meet new teachers and classmates. , As well as roommates who will be with you for four years day and night, how to establish close social relationships is also something new students need to face."

How to improve your independent living ability and quickly integrate into college life?

  Xie Chen gave three suggestions: “One is to get acquainted quickly. Every year before entering the school, many schools will give out life guides to new students, and introduce some campus life scenes on the school-related public account. Tsinghua will pay back after entering the school. Each freshman will be given a book of "I am a freshman". Freshmen can make full use of these resources, get familiar with them in advance, and be well-informed. The second is to actively integrate. After entering the school, our community moral education assistants and apartment managers We will conduct residential safety education for freshmen and carry out quality development activities between buildings, so that freshmen can quickly understand apartment life safety skills and integrate into campus life. Everyone can actively participate with roommates and also shape a good relationship between dormitories. You must learn to communicate. Freshmen entering the school will inevitably encounter many life problems. Don't be afraid, actively communicate with the administrators and relevant teachers. I believe the adjustment period will pass soon."

Senior sister said: No matter which choice, you can bloom brilliant youth

  There are always topics that belong to the same age. How should I choose a club? How do dorm roommates get along in harmony? At which corner can the loved ones meet... Questions full of choice anxiety have become the topics that freshmen most want to communicate with seniors.

  "Many'talent white' joined the club. Under the guidance of the teachers and predecessors, they became the talents of the club and have a rich and colorful extracurricular life; In university libraries and laboratories, the “house” has produced one after another scientific research results; students who are chanted by their parents “just thinking about fun” can also play tricks in the university, start a business and become a boss with A large group of people are making money by'playing.'" According to Su Huiyang, a PhD student at Peking University Law School, the university is actually a "transfer station" for stepping into a pluralistic society. No matter which choice it is, you should be careful. Plowing and down-to-earth can still bloom brilliant youthful luster. "If you feel sorry for yourself and become a'Buddhist boy', it seems that you have escaped a catastrophe, but you have abandoned your right to choose and become a'seaweed' that drifts along with the tide." Su Huiyang said with a smile.

  How to get rid of these anxiety? Live a full and comfortable university life?

  Su Huiyang said that when talking to seniors who are "no longer anxious", everyone will talk about a common experience, which is firmness, hard work and reluctance to admit defeat: "No matter what difficulties you encounter, no matter whether the path you take is the same as before. With the same vision, as long as you have firm confidence and continue to struggle, you will be able to "all roads lead to Rome" and strive to have a wonderful university life without regrets."

(Our reporter Deng Hui Jin Haotian)