Illustration in an Ehpad. - Mr. Libert / 20 Minutes

"A new confinement would no longer be tolerated, neither by the residents nor by the families or even by the staff, who sometimes had a very bad experience." Asked this Thursday by LCI on the situation in accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad), the Deputy Minister in charge of Autonomy, Brigitte Bourguignon, pleads for a “systematic” screening and a “targeted isolation” of residents .

The total ban on visits from March 11, then their gradual return since April 20 "was necessary, because there was a time of astonishment, where it was necessary to adapt (and) react", she reminded.

"You will no longer hear an establishment talking to you about material resources"

Of the 30,000 people who died from the coronavirus in the country, more than 14,000 were residents of nursing homes, according to data from Public Health France.

But today "the establishments are ready" and have sufficient stocks of protective equipment against the Covid. "You will no longer hear an establishment talking to you about material resources", even assured the minister.

"Containment can be considered in a very targeted way"

However, “confinement can be envisaged in a very targeted manner” on a nursing home resident “so as to isolate him from others”, she added.

At the same time, "screening must be systematic", families and residents having to "admit that screening, when you come back from vacation and want to visit your family, it's normal."


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  • Old age
  • Ehpad
  • Covid 19
  • Society
  • Coronavirus