Demystifying the bridge docking staff of the Capital Airport, practical training requires thousands of planes to be docked; accurate and rapid docking to ensure the safety of passengers and efficiently board and board the plane

Complete the docking of a covered bridge with the aircraft door in two minutes

  The airport bridge docking officer is also called the bridge "driver" and is one of the many positions in the airport that rarely meets passengers. Accurately operated bridge "drivers" are an important part of ensuring passengers can board and disembark on time.

  At the Capital Airport, the bridge dockers have a hard target, that is, the operation of a covered bridge must be completed within two minutes.


The shuttle bridge exceeds 20,000 steps per day

  The bridge docking officer is one of the many positions in the airport that hardly meets passengers. Before passengers board the plane, they have already docked the bridge. After the aircraft door is closed, the operator withdraws to the bridge; after the passengers arrive, they put the bridge After docking with the cabin door, rush to the next bridge to start the next docking and bridge removal task.

  Although passengers are not familiar with them, the bridge docking staff is an important part of ensuring the normal rate of flights. Only by docking the bridges on the plane in time, accurately and quickly, can passengers get on and off the plane safely and efficiently.

  Liu Yawei is the bridge docking member of Bowei Company at Capital Airport, responsible for the bridge docking between T1 and T2 terminals. In this position, Liu Yawei has been working for 13 years and is a "master-level" operator.

  There are a total of 47 seats and 63 bridges in the T1 and T2 terminals. Every day, Liu Yawei and his colleagues have to shuttle between the various bridges to complete the bridge docking for each flight by the bridge.

  At the Capital Airport, the bridge docking staff have strict control over time, and work against time under the premise of ensuring safety. After the plane was parked, the bridge docking officer received the docking instruction to start the docking operation. Liu Yawei told reporters: “Our requirement is to complete the operation of one covered bridge within two minutes. If two covered bridges are connected at the same time, it must be completed within five minutes. Our company’s T1 and T2 passenger bridge systems have nearly With 90 operators, an average of more than 700 sorties have to be connected to and withdrawn from the bridge every day."

  Regardless of the distance between each covered bridge is not too far, but the operators shuttle back and forth for a day, the number of walking steps can be a lot. "I am the monitor of the bridge operation team and need to inspect the conditions of each bridge, so I walk at least 20,000 steps a day. My colleagues often walk between the duty room and the bridge, the bridge and the bridge, and the number of steps is at least Get this number."


Covered bridges hide multiple "organs" to ensure safety

  At the Capital Airport, reporters saw bridges with different degrees of new and old. According to reports, they belong to the second and even third-generation bridges, and their degree of automation is much higher than that of the first-generation bridges. Liu Yawei told reporters that the current coverage of the Capital Airport has a higher security factor and easier operation.

  There are many "organs" hidden in the bridge to ensure passenger safety and flight safety.

  The reporter saw three pressable protrusions at the forefront of the floor of the gallery bridge. They are called "touch limit". Once the aircraft touches these three protrusions, the gallery bridge will automatically stop moving. For the operator, try to keep the aircraft at a distance of 2-4 cm from the front end of the bridge floor, so that even if the aircraft shakes on a windy day, the aircraft will not be scratched because the bridge and the aircraft keep a certain distance. In addition, a distance of 2 to 4 cm can also protect passengers from danger when getting on and off the plane.

  In addition, there is a leveling wheel on the right side of the bridge. After the bridge is docked with the aircraft, the leveling wheel is released and attached to the aircraft. Liu Yawei explained: “The distance between the bridge floor and the aircraft door is 18 cm, which is the height of a normal step. As passengers board and disembark, and load luggage, the aircraft's height may rise or fall. Wheel tracking feeds the aircraft ascending or descending to the gallery bridge control system, and the gallery bridge is adjusted accordingly to achieve the effect of automatic tracking of the gallery bridge and ensure the relative safe height of the gallery bridge floor and the aircraft door."

  There is also a black semi-cylindrical device on the left side of the front end of the gallery bridge floor, its name is "safety boots", its function is to ensure that the opened aircraft door can always maintain a safe distance from the gallery bridge floor. Liu Yawei explained, “When the aircraft descends rapidly and the leveling wheels cannot fully feed back the timely information to the bridge control system, if the hatch is squeezed against the safety boots, the emergency descent function of the bridge will be triggered, and the shelter will be retracted automatically. Automatically descend, and an alarm sound will be issued to remind the bridge operator to be present."


Practical training needs to dock thousands of aircraft

  Covered bridges are being upgraded, and the technical level of bridge docking staff is becoming increasingly sophisticated.

  "One look, one stop, three confirmations, one push, one dozen, two placements." This is a rhetoric from the bridge docking operator, whose purpose is to keep the operator calm at all times and ensure flight safety. This jingle includes confirming the flight number, confirming whether the cabin door is damaged, pushing the shelter, placing safety barriers, etc., each of which is very important.

  The reporter learned that to become a qualified bridge docking operator, you need to go through rigorous training and assessment. The new trainees first conduct simulation exercises through the VR system to have a perceptual understanding of this position. After that, the trainees will have to learn about the system and process. After passing the assessment, they will enter the practical operation.

  However, at the beginning, the trainees could not directly operate the bridge docking aircraft. Instead, they had to use the training bridge for operation practice. After mastering the docking skills proficiently, the "master" would accompany them one-on-one throughout the real bridge docking. Each model is different, and the docking method and docking skills are also different, so the "master" will teach his own technology in this link.

  Actual combat experience is "stacked" with time. Liu Yawei said that in the practical training, the operators constantly practice for different types of aircraft, and at least have to dock thousands of aircraft, and it will take two or three months to complete the training at the earliest.

  Beijing News reporter Wu Tingting

  This edition of photography/Beijing News reporter Tao Ran