Animals are also measures against summer flies By fans and bathing Shiga Hino Town August 18 23:31


At Agricultural Park in Hino Town, Shiga Prefecture, we take measures to prevent animals such as the popular alpaca from going down due to the heat by placing a fan and bathing them.

The hands-on agricultural park "Bloume no Oka" in Hino Town is a popular facility where you can interact with animals, but because of the lack of heat, there are many animals that are tired from the heat of the day.

In order to make people who come into contact with lively animals enjoy, the alpaca, which was originally vulnerable to heat in the garden, made a shade in the rain shed on the pasture to create a shade. There are two fans in.

In addition to alpacas and emu bathing several times a day with a hose, the animals brought their faces and bodies close to the water, and they were pleasantly splashing with the water.

Momoko Kawamura of the Planning and Public Relations Department of "Blume no Oka" said, "I am especially careful when the animals have heat stroke, which may lead to death in the worst case. I will take measures."