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What bothered them from the UAE .. and not bothered them from others ?!

Sami Al Riyami


August 16, 2020

Far from fallacies, polemics, and outbidding, and far from "stubbornness" and revolutionary rhetoric, which many master and do not master others, although it is useless .. The UAE is not the first Arab country to conclude a peace agreement with Israel, and it will definitely not be the last. Many people converged, cooperated, exchanged relations, and opened their doors to Israel, without achieving any real benefit for the Palestinian cause.

When the UAE considered this step, it did not do it out of nowhere. Rather, it did it after it received several requests from Arab, Islamic and international countries, asking it to intervene to solve the problem and dilemma of Israel's determination to annex new lands, in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. This problem is the inability of everyone to find A solution for it, the Arabs, the European Union, and the countries of the world, all condemned and refused, but despite this almost universal consensus, to condemn the Israeli plans, Israel did not pay attention to that, and did not pay attention to those voices, and continued its plans, while the international rejectionist positions remained confined to Within the framework of condemnations and warnings, and it did not move a finger on the ground, until the UAE intervened and did what the world did not do, and was able to make a difference and stop plans to annex Arab lands, so what annoys short-sighted and partisans about what happened ?!

It is very strange for the UAE to be subjected to criticism from governments and the media of countries that preceded it by decades in establishing and establishing relations with Israel .. What annoys it about the UAE’s move, and did not bother it when it exchanged delegations, investments, trade, and full relations with Israel ?!

The problem is not in agreement then, but rather the problem is in their hearts that are full of hatred and hatred for every step taken by the Emirates, and this is not at all strange to them, and this will not stop the UAE from its progress and development, and its strategies and policies that take into account its interests, and the interests of its people in the first place, whoever wishes Whoever refuses, the UAE is a sovereign state, and it has leaders who know exactly what they want and how to get to what they want at the time they want!

Since its establishment .. the UAE has placed the interest of the Palestinian people at the forefront of its priorities, and their regime may now ignore all the Emirati support and support, but the truth is clear and clear and we do not need to prove it, and the UAE’s political position will not change at all towards the Palestinian issue, and it will not waver, nor will it recite as well. She believes in the justice of the cause, the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and political positions have nothing to do with positions of cooperation and exchange of complementary relations. It is not the UAE alone that does that, but the Palestinians and Arabs themselves do so, and there is no harm at all in this matter!

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