On August 15, the peak of the Yangtze River successfully passed through the main city of Chongqing, and the water level was gradually falling. Affected by heavy rainfall, over-protection floods occurred in the upper tributaries of the Yangtze River, Tuojiang and Fujian Rivers, and over-alarm floods occurred in the Minjiang River and the main stream from Luzhou to Cuntan River. The flow at Cuntan Station on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River rose to 50,900 cubic meters per second at 5 o'clock on August 14th. According to the "Regulations on Flood Numbering of Major Rivers in the Country", the incoming water reached the flood numbering standard and the "Yangtze River No. 4 Flood in 2020" was formed. . Photo by Zhou Yi

Release time: 2020-08-15 17:16:22 【Editor: Tian Bochuan】