[Explanation] Recently, two YouTube bloggers, Matt from the United States and Alex from the United Kingdom, came to Chongqing to participate in the "Reassure China Tour-Overseas Big V Shooting Chongqing" event. They had a 10-day in-depth experience in Chongqing, and they used the lens to show overseas the culinary beauty of Chongqing and the new outlook of urban development.

  Matt and Alex have lived in Zhejiang, China for many years. When they came to Chongqing this time, they were most impressed by the modern urban atmosphere of Chongqing.

  Standing on the viewing platform of Chongqing Nanbin Road, Matt and Alex took out their mobile phones and cameras to take time-lapse photography, recording the intersection of the Chongqing Yangtze River and the Jialing River, as well as the skyscrapers of the Yuzhong Peninsula.

  [Concurrent] YouTube video blogger Alex

  It is very beautiful, very beautiful, it is very different from other cities, because there are many interesting places.

  [Explanation] Seven years ago, Alex visited Chongqing once. At that time, he was attending a friend's wedding and stayed in Chongqing for a short time. Coming to Chongqing again, Alex spent 10 days to experience in depth. He walked through the streets and lanes of Chongqing, and was amazed at the development and changes of the city.

  [Concurrent] YouTube video blogger Alex

  Chongqing is a city of the future, but when you walk on the streets, watching the people coming and going and the busy merchants and vendors, the smell of chili in the air makes people feel that this city is very traditional. For me, half of Chongqing is very futuristic, and the other half is very traditional with a long history and culture.

  [Commentary] Matt and Alex love Chongqing hot pot, skewers and other "no spicy food". For them, the taste of Chongqing cuisine is a kind of enjoyment. In order to learn more about Chongqing hot pot, Matt and Alex came to the kitchen of a hot pot restaurant on Nanbin Road, Chongqing, and recorded the whole process of making hot pot with camera. After shooting the production process, the next step is to taste the hot pot. Matt and Alex wanted to challenge themselves, they ordered a medium-spicy hot pot.

  [Concurrent] YouTube video blogger Alex

  Medium spicy is fine, medium spicy is very spicy and very spicy, but it is also fine. Hot pot should be very spicy.

  [Commentary] It is understood that the "Reassuring China Tour-Overseas Big V Shooting Chongqing" event planned and launched by the Chongqing Cultural Tourism International Communication Center invited overseas YouTube bloggers to Chongqing to show Chongqing’s delicious food, city style, The construction of a smart city will enhance Chongqing’s visibility, reputation and influence in the international cultural tourism market. 

  Reporting from Chongqing by reporter Xiao Jiangchuan

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]