A study reveals the link between feeling dizzy and developing dementia

As one study came to conclusions about the potential health risks of feeling dizzy, the study was conducted on a large scale and lasted ten years.

Feeling dizzy while standing on your feet may indicate a greater chance of developing dementia in the future. According to the British newspaper "Daily Mail".

This conclusion was reached by experts from the University of California as a result of the study. In the course of scientific work, a study was made of the state of health of 2 thousand people from 12 to 70 years old, which was conducted for more than 10 years.

It was found that people with low systolic blood pressure and thus impaired blood flow to the head were 40% more likely to develop dementia.

The scientists explained that the occurrence of vertigo could be a factor in the emergence of vascular problems and the risk of deteriorating cognitive functions, which may lead to dementia in the future.