[Explanation] The 26th Shanghai TV Festival officially closed on August 7. At the "Magnolia Bloom" awards ceremony held that night, all major awards were awarded.

  Among them, Chen Baoguo won the Best Actor Award for her superb acting in "The Old Tavern", and Yan Ni won the Best Actress Award for her outstanding performance in "Youth School". The TV series "Ice Breaking Action" won the "Best Chinese TV Series" award.

  That night, because Chen Baoguo did not come to the scene, the award was received by the host Cao Kefan. It is worth mentioning that this is the third time that Chen Baoguo has nominated the Magnolia Award for Best Actor and has won the second award; and Yan Ni also officially collected the Golden Eagle Award, Feitian Award and Magnolia Award that night. The "Best Actress" of the Grand Award won the "Grand Slam". Yan Ni said, thank you very much for your support and recognition of her. She revealed that she needs a process of "searching" and "digging" in performing any role.

  [Concurrent] Actor Yan Ni

  I have also been thinking that searching is essential, so every time I get any role, I am very nervous. I am a (new person), that is to say (me) is also a new person. I hope to explore my potential through this role, so this process is happy, but it is also painful. There are mixed flavors.

  [Explanation] When asked how she would share her award-winning mood with her daughter Zou Yuanqing after returning home, Yan Ni said that in fact, they have been communicating a lot with each other. She believes that in the future her daughter can also achieve achievements and gains on the road of acting.

  [Concurrent] Actor Yan Ni

  In fact, the two of us have been communicating. In terms of performance, I think she can also go my way. I think we can communicate for a longer time, and I am very happy for this. That is, we always have a common language, common topics can be discussed, this is the most important.

  [Explanation] The best director award that night was awarded to Wang Jun, the director of the TV series "Xiaohuanxi". In Wang Jun's view, he is better at directing realistic dramas, but he will not reject stepping out of the "comfort circle" and challenging other types of film and television dramas.

  [Concurrent] Director Wang Jun

  Whether it is a period drama or a spy war (drama), or even a fantasy (drama), I am willing to try it. Of course, realism (play) may be my housekeeping skill or something, maybe the following two plays, the plays at the end of this year and the beginning of next year may be realist plays. I think realistic creation is very attractive. It can hit people's hearts directly. As long as you are truthful, you only need to be lively, and as long as you dare to face it, I think it will definitely move the audience.

  [Explanation] The Best Supporting Actress Award was won by the drama actor Tian Yu who was willing to be a green leaf in "Celebrating the New Year" and the actor Tao Hong who played the "anxious mother" in "Little Huanxi". The two Internet hits were very rewarding that night. "Celebrating More Than Years" also won the Best Screenplay (Adaptation) Award, and the Best Photography Award and the "Best Art Award" were won by "Chang'an Twelve Hours".

  Reporter Xu Yinkang Yuzhan reports from Shanghai

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]