A plant specimen in Kumamoto Prefecture that was flooded by heavy rains Restored at a museum in Sagamihara City August 8 16:30

The museum in Sagamihara City is working to wash and restore the mud of valuable plant specimens from Kumamoto Prefecture that had been flooded by the record heavy rain in July.

Due to the record heavy rain in July, a specimen of a plant native to the area held by "Hitoyoshi Castle History Museum" in Hitoyoshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture was immersed in muddy water, so universities and museums nationwide cooperated. We are doing repair work.

The Sagamihara City Museum in Sagamihara City has also been involved in support since the end of last month. A total of 7 volunteers worked.

The curators thawed the frozen specimens with water, carefully peeled them off from the mount with tweezers or a paintbrush, carefully washed away the mud, and dried it.

An 84-year-old male volunteer said, "I can't go to the site because of the new coronavirus, but I want to help protect valuable materials in the form of remote volunteers."

A curator, Yukiya Akiyama, of the Sagamihara City Museum, said, "If a disaster occurs, we can't protect the material in only one area, so I would like to continue to support the network nationwide."